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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-04-06 21:54:07  

摘 要











This paper selects a well-known domestic automobile manufacturing company as the research object. Through the analysis of the company's current status, internal value chain, vertical value chain and horizontal value chain, it finds out the problems that the company is currently facing and according to the company. The actual situation puts forward more practical countermeasures, and the obtained results have important guiding significance for the cost control of the automobile manufacturing industry.

The paper mainly studies the value chain of Y company and puts forward corresponding suggestions for its problems.

In the analysis of Y's internal value chain, it is divided into basic activities and auxiliary activities. Due to the limitation of space and level, the basic production activities selected in the analysis of internal value chain are product production, marketing and after-sales service. The selected auxiliary activities are component procurement, product development and human resource management. The selection of these parts of the activity does not mean that other activities are not important, but the selected activities are representative and universal. These value activities are the value activities of the automobile manufacturing industry and even the manufacturing industries of other industries. Therefore, these six value activities are selected as the research objects.

In the analysis of the vertical value chain, the upstream suppliers and downstream distributors were mainly analyzed as research objects. In the research, it was found that the Y company’s policies on upstream suppliers and downstream distributors were defective, and some practices were This has led to an increase in costs.

In the analysis of the horizontal value chain, it mainly analyzes some of the major competitors of Y Company and analyzes the current environment of China's automobile market. This paper puts forward some opinions based on the actual situation of Y Company and the current environment.

After analyzing the problems of Y company, the paper gives the corresponding management system design according to the internal value chain, the vertical value chain and the horizontal value chain, and proposes the corresponding safeguard measures, mainly the protection of the organization personnel and the guarantee of the process. And the guarantee of institutional evaluation.

The research results show that there are related problems in the cost management of China's automobile manufacturing industry represented by Y company. If Y company can take corresponding measures and methods from the perspective of its value chain, it can further go to cost management.

The characteristics of this paper: Analysis of the cost management of the automobile manufacturing industry based on the relevant theory of the value chain.

Key Words:value chain;Y company;internal value chain;vertical value chain

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的与研究意义 1

1.1.1 研究目的 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

1.2.3 研究评述 3

1.3 研究内容和方法 3

1.3.1 研究内容与框架 3

1.3.2 研究方法 4

第2章 相关理论与方法 5

2.1 价值链相关理论 5

2.1.1 价值链基本内容 5

2.1.2 内部价值链、横向价值链、纵向价值链分析 5

2.2 成本管理相关理论 6

2.2.1 目标成本管理 6

2.2.2 战略成本管理 6

2.3 基于价值链成本管理 7

第3章 Y公司成本管理现状和问题分析 8

3.1 Y公司概况 8

3.1.1 Y公司简介 8

3.1.2 Y公司以及行业发展情况 8

3.2 Y公司价值链分析 9

3.2.1 Y公司内部价值链分析 9

3.2.2 Y公司纵向价值链分析 10

3.2.3 Y公司横向价值链分析 11

3.3 Y公司内部价值链成本管理问题分析 12

3.3.1 Y公司基本活动分析 12

3.3.2 Y公司辅助性活动分析 13

3.4 Y公司纵向价值链分析 14

3.4.1 供应商价值链成本管理问题分析 14

3.4.2 顾客经销商价值链成本管理问题分析 14

3.5 Y公司横向价值链成本管理问题分析 14

第4章 基于Y公司内部价值链成本管理体系设计 16

4.1 Y基于公司内部价值链成本管理体系设计 16

4.1.1 基于Y公司基本活动成本管理体系设计 16

4.1.2 基于Y公司辅助活动成本管理体系设计 17

4.2 基于Y公司纵向价值链成本管体系设计 18

4.2.1 关于上游供应商成本管理体系设计 18

4.2.2 关于下游客户以及经销商管理体系设计 18

4.3 基于Y公司横向价值链成本管理体系设计 18

第5章 基于Y公司价值链的成本管理体系实施以及保障 20

5.1 Y基于公司内部价值链成本管理体系设计 20

5.1.1 基于Y公司价值链的人员组织保障 20

5.2 基于Y公司纵向价值链成本管体系设计 20

5.2.1 产品开发流程保障 20

5.2.2 零部件采购流程保障措施 20

5.3 基于Y公司横向价值链成本管理体系设计 21

5.3.1 市场营销的制度评价保障措施 21

5.3.2 售后服务的制度评价保障措施 21

5.3.3 人力资源管理制度评价保障措施 21

第6章 结论与展望 22

6.1 研究结论 22

6.2 对我国汽车制造业的借鉴与启示 22

6.3 研究不足 23

参考文献 24

致谢 25

第1章 绪论




在21世纪经济新常态背景下, 中国的绝大部分制造业依旧使用传统的成本管理方式,有许许多多的弊端, 不利于企业的成本的管理实施和运行。




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