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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-04-06 21:53:47  

摘 要





The development of China's shipping industry has entered a new time, which puts forward a lot of new requirements for the safe and reliable operation of the ships. Moreover, fuel oil is the power source of ship navigation, so the quality of oil is particularly important. At present, due to the global energy crisis, the heavy oil which has a poor quality has been widely used in ships. In order to solve this contradiction, we need to improve the purification ability and reliability of the separator. The new generation of butterfly separator make use of the motorized spindle to transform power, which has a good stability. In order to further analyze the performance of the separator and put forward some good advice for equipment selection and system design. It is necessary to build up the mathematical modeling and to analyse the simulation.

Based on the high-tech ship scientific research project of the ministry of industry and information technology "improving the quality brand of the new generation butterfly separator", this paper studies the modeling and simulation methods of the butterfly separator. According to the working mechanism of the new generation separator, the separator is divided into several simple parts through the modular modeling to build the mathematical model, including the separator model, pipe network model and timing logic control model. And with the aid of basic algorithm library and graphics module library in the simuengine simulation platform, the simulation system would be built up and the code would be written by the use of the FORTRAN programming language to achieve their logical relations.Then the code would be put into the simulation platform to complete the simulation operation and achieve the separator simulation system functions. The flow rate, speed and pressure curves obtained from the operation are compared with the actual conditions to verify the accuracy of the separator simulation system established. finally, the simulation results will be obtained also.

Key words: The new generation butterfly separator; Mathematical model; Timing control model; Simulation platform; System function simulation; FORTRAN language

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1

1.2 相关领域研究现状 1

1.2.1 国内外模拟仿真技术研究现状 1

1.2.2 国内外轮机模拟器研究现状 2

1.3 本论文研究内容和技术路线 3

1.3.1 研究内容 3

1.3.2 本论文技术路线 3

第2章 新一代蝶式分离机工作机理 6

2.1新一代蝶式分离机结构 6

2.2 新一代蝶式分离机基本工作原理 8

2.3 分离机自动控制过程 9

2.3.1 分离机自动控制单元组成 9

2.3.2 分离机自动控制的工作时序 10

2.4 本章小结 11

第3章 新一代蝶式分离机的数学建模 12

3.1 分离机模型 12

3.1.1 分离机分离模型 12

3.1.2 油水分界面模型 14

3.1.3 异步电机电主轴模型 16

3.1.4 分离机电机电流模型和转速模型 18

3.2 分离机管网模型 21

3.2.1 管路的数学模型 21

3.2.2 供油泵模型 22

3.2.3 分离机加热器模型 23

3.3 分离机时序控制模型 25

3.4 新一代蝶式分离机模型的联立以及实现 26

3.5 本章小结 27

第4章 新一代蝶式分离机的仿真实现 29

4.1 仿真工具介绍 29

4.1.1 SimuEngine 的主要功能和特点 29

4.1.2 SimuBuilder 的主要功能和特点 30

4.1.3 模型搭建过程 30

4.2 分离机模型的实现 31

4.3 分离机仿真系统EPC50时序控制模型的实现 31

4.3.1 启动时序 32

4.3.2 分离时序 33

4.3.3 排渣时序 35

4.3.4 停机时序 37

4.4 本章小结 39

第5章 总结与展望 40

5.1 总结 40

5.2 展望 40

参考文献 41

致 谢 43

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题研究的背景及意义




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