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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-03-27 18:05:02  

摘 要


本文首先对相关理论进行综述,其次,对互联网行业海外并购评价方法展开评述,分析了互联网行业竞争力及海外并购现状,列举比较几种绩效评价方法,完成对EVA评价方法的必要性分析。然后,选取2016年互联网行业大型海外收购案--腾讯收购supercell,构建腾讯海外并购的EVA绩效评价体系,并分析EVA 绩效评价法在腾讯运用的优势。最后,基于腾讯的收购案例得到相关结论,进而提出针对我国互联网行业的有关建议。 本文旨在指出EVA绩效评价方法在我国互联网行业海外并购中的必要性,进而针对互联网行业引用EVA绩效评价法提出几点可行性建议,为我国互联网企业日后进行海外收购时提供一种评价绩效的新方法与思路。



With the maturity of technology and platform, the global Internet industry has entered a stage of rapid development Since 2013. Since 1994, with the rise and popularization of the Internet in China, the Internet industry has gradually developed into China's most dynamic emerging industries, the market outlook is broad, the development space is huge. With the support of the national policy ,Internet companies are well developed, and actively expand overseas markets, overseas M amp; A activities occur frequently since 2013.

This paper first reviews the relevant theories, and then reviews the evaluation methods of overseas mergers and acquisitions in the Internet industry, analyzes the competitiveness of the Internet industry and the status of overseas mergers and acquisitions, enumerates several performance evaluation methods and completes the necessity analysis of EVA evaluation methods. Then, we selected 2016 large-scale overseas acquisitions in the Internet industry - Tencent acquisition of supercell, to build Tencent overseas M amp; A EVA performance evaluation system, and analysis of EVA performance evaluation method in Tencent use advantage. Finally, based on Tencent's acquisition case to get the relevant conclusions, and then put forward the recommendations for China's Internet industry. This paper aims to point out the advantages of EVA performance evaluation method in overseas acquisitions of Internet industry in China, and then put forward some feasible suggestions for the Internet industry to refer to EVA performance evaluation method, and provide a new evaluation method for Internet enterprises in China Methods and ideas.

Key Words:EVA; Internet industry; Oerseas mergers and acquisitions; Prformance evaluation; Tencent

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容与方法 3

第2章 相关理论综述 5

2.1 EVA理论基础 5

2.2 海外并购相关理论 5

2.3 企业绩效评价相关理论 6

第3章 互联网行业海外并购评价方法评述 8

3.1 互联网行业竞争力及海外并购现状分析 8

3.2 海外并购绩效评价方法比较 10

3.3 EVA方法的必要性分析 11

第4章 腾讯收购supercell案例分析 13

4.1 案例背景 13

4.2腾讯EVA绩效评价体系的构建 14

4.3 EVA绩效评价体系与传统评价体系比较 19

第5章 研究结论与建议 21

5.1 腾讯基于EVA的海外并购绩效评价研究结论 21

5.2 互联网行业引用EVA绩效评价法的建议 22

参考文献 24

致 谢 25

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景




1.1.2 研究意义


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