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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 工程管理 > 正文


 2021-03-27 18:04:33  

摘 要






Around 2020, our country's urbanization rate will be above 60%, the increase of urban population in the future will inevitably lead to the increase of the engineering construction, and the traditional construction mode of production from the perspective of whole life cycle, low labor productivity, cost, reduce the space is little, long construction period, difficulties, serious pollution and other problems in operation and maintenance, thus promoting construction is our country carries on the industrial upgrading of industrialization, promote the healthy development of the construction inevitable trend.

This article first analyzed the connotation and current situation of the development of construction industrialization, analyzes the construction of industrialization of stakeholders and industry chain, the later play the role of theory to support this paper. Then based on the system dynamics model of building industrial supply chain system analysis, to select relevant variables based on the analysis, according to the relevant variables to establish the relationship between cause and effect diagram and system flow chart, to prepare for the later system dynamics model of the empirical. This paper discusses the influence of different policy combinations on the nodes in the supply chain, and further supports the analysis and conclusion of the theoretical part.

This article USES the literature methodology, system dynamics, several research methods, case analysis, the comprehensive understanding the connotation of building industrialization, to master relevant theory of system dynamics. Link system dynamics tools and building industrialization, through a scenario analysis to explore the influence of different policy combination of supply chain node enterprise, puts forward the choice of building industrialization development path and the need to solve practical problems.

Key Words:Industrialization of the building; System dynamics; Development path; The supply chain

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

1.3本文研究内容与方法 4

1.3.1研究内容 4

1.3.2研究方法 5

第2章 相关理论 7

2.1 建筑工业化产业发展现状 7

2.1.1建筑工业化产业发展概述 7

2.1.2发展障碍 7

2.2 建筑工业化产业现有推进策略 7

2.3 建筑工业化产业供应链构成及利益相关者 8

2.3.1利益相关者 8

2.3.2供应链构成 10

第3章 建筑工业化供应链的系统动力学模型 11

3.1系统动力学相关理论概述 11

3.1.1系统动力学相关概念 11

3.1.2系统动力学建模步骤 11

3.2 建筑工业化产业供应链的系统动力学模型分析 11

3.2.1系统构成与特性 11

3.2.2建模目的 12

3.2.3模型假设条件 12

3.2.4模型边界确定 13

3.3 因果关系及系统流图 13

3.3.1因果关系 13

3.3.2系统流图 14

第4章 模型实证 14

4.1模型方程建立 15

4.1.1方程建立 15

4.1.2参数估计 20

4.1.3模型数据来源 20

4.2模拟过程 21

4.3模拟结果分析 22

4.4模型检验 25

4.4.1模型结构检验 26

4.4.2模型参数检验 26

4.4.3模型结果有效性检验 26

4.5建筑工业化推进策略建议 26

4.5.1产业化前期 27

4.5.2产业发展初期 29

4.5.3产业发展中期 30

4.5.4产业发展成熟时期 32

第5章 结论与展望 33

5.1结论 33

5.2展望 33

参考文献 34

致 谢 35

第1章 绪论




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