2020-07-07 21:56:58
摘 要
关键词:电子商务 税收征管 C2C
Research on Problems and Countermeasures of tax collection and management in C2C mode E-commerce
With the popularity of the Internet and the rise of mobile clients such as smart phones and tablets, e-commerce emerges as the times require. Due to the limitations of time and space, shopping process is more convenient and enjoyable, and the cost of buyers and sellers is also eliminated. Because of this, the development momentum of e-commerce in China is strong. With the rapid development of e-commerce, the tax problems it faces has also attracted people's attention. The B2C and B2B models in e-commerce have been incorporated into the tax revenue, and the C2C model has not been mandatory for business registration and tax registration, so it has been nominally in the scope of tax collection, but in fact, the tax efficiency is very low outside the scope of tax regulation. However, with the development of C2C mode, the tax issue has been widely discussed. Zhang jindong said: " The current business transaction is to engage in B2C transactions in the form of C2C". It should be made up of the loopholes in the form of tax evasion through the form of individual sellers, that is to say, the B (enterprise seller) and C (seller seller) should be clearly defined from the tax law level. " Lenovo Group CEO Yang Yunqing put forward: "all business activities have to pay taxes, this is the right thing, but to the initial business enterprise a tax free period and nurturing period, is also understandable."
From the point of view of C2C e-commerce, this article will talk about how much damage will be brought to our tax revenue if we do not levy taxes on C2C e-commerce. And analysis of the current tax collection methods in our country which are not suitable for the taxation of C2C e-commerce, and put forward a rectification plan combined with the actual situation of our country.
E - business tax collection and management C2C
摘 要 I
第一章 导论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 3
1.2.1 国外研究现状 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3 研究意义 4
1.4 研究方法 4
第二章 C2C电子商务理论概述 4
2.1电子商务的定义 5
2.2 C2C电子商务的特点 5
2.2.1 虚拟化和个人化 5
2.2.2 无纸化 6
2.2.3打破时间空间局限 6
2.2.4 支付电子化 6
2.2.5 交易双方均为个人 7
2.2.6 经营灵活多变 7
2.3 C2C模式电子商务的分类 7
2.3.1 盈利性交易和非盈利性交易 7
2.3.2 无形商品和有形商品交易 7
2.4 C2C电子商务的发展趋势 8
2.5 C2C模式电子商务交易流程 10
2.5.1 交易流程 10
2.5.2 每一环节中不规范的现象 10
第三章C2C电子商务的可税性和案例分析 12
3.1 C2C电子商务的可税性 12
3.1.1 法律上的可税性 12
3.1.2经济上的可税性 12
3.2 案例分析 16
3.2.1 已被税务机关处罚的案例 16
3.2.2 尚未被纠正的逃税情况 16
3.2.3 寻找最佳可税点 17
第四章C2C电子商务的税收征管现状 19
4.1税务部门对传统线下个体工商户的征管方式 19
4.1.1办理税务登记流程 19
4.1.2申报纳税流程 19
4.13 税务检查流程 19
4.2 C2C电子商务税收征管现状 20
4.2.1 个人卖家同消费者都不配合征税 20
4.2.2政府部门对电子商务的态度正处于支持并探索的阶段 20
4.2.税务注册登记地的划定尚无定论 21
4.2.4 税收稽查无据可依 21
第五章 完善C2C模式税收征管的对策建议 22
5.1 我国C2C电子商务税收管理制度建议 22
5.1.1完善相关登记管理制度 22
5.1.2要求第三方交易机构配合税收稽查工作 22
5.1.3划分小规模纳税人和一般纳税人 22
5.1.4提高税收起征点 23
5.1.4 采取鼓励措施 23
5.1.5 明确税收管辖地 23
5.1.6 使用电子发票 24
5.1.7 使第三方支付平台成为代收代缴义务人 24
结束语 25
参考文献 26
第一章 导论