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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-12-08 21:45:31  


摘 要






In a globalized economy, science and technology has become the core competitiveness of each country. The supply-side reform of China's economic structure has made scientific and technological innovation the main driving force, and the 18th CPC National Congress elevated innovation-driven development to a strategic position. Innovation can improve the independent innovation capacity of each innovation subject and promote the sustained and steady growth of China's economy. Science and technology enterprises have sensitive innovation needs and incomparable advantages. However, due to the large capital investment in innovation activities and long Ramp;D cycle, the innovation efficiency in enterprises is not high and it is difficult to achieve the expected goals. Innovation-driven policies can provide a strong guarantee for enterprises. As the strategic fulcrum of central China, the quality of innovation is vital in Hubei province, Under the guidance of the "innovation-driven development strategy", it has issued a series of innovation drive policy in funds, manpower, the protection of intellectual property and so on. Has the desired policy objectives been achieved? Therefore, the research of this paper has a great significance. Through the empirical research on the impact of innovation-driven policies on enterprise innovation, this paper verifies and illustrates the positive effect of innovation policies in the practice process, providing reference for the government to allocate innovative resources scientifically and improve the "precision" of policies. On the other hand, the conclusion can strengthen the enterprise's attention to innovation and improve innovation efficiency through enterprises' self-management. At the same time, the Hubei high-tech listed companies as samples to intuitively analyze the impact of innovation policies, and further analyze the synergistic of different policies on enterprise innovation efficiency, which can can provide some evidence and theory support for further research.

This paper mainly studies the effects of innovation-driven policies on innovation input, output and efficiency of high-tech enterprises in Hubei province. It takes the data of high-tech enterprises in Hubei province from 2014 to 2018 as sample, adopting the methods of theoretical analysis and empirical study, analyzing the current situation of innovation-driven policies and innovation development in Hubei province, the paper further studies the influence of government subsidies and tax incentives on enterprise innovation, and analyzes the synergistic between them.

The results show government subsidy can significantly improve the level of innovation input, innovation output and innovation efficiency of enterprises. Tax saving policies can encourage enterprises to increase investment in Ramp;D and improve innovation efficiency, but have little impact on innovation output. There is no conflict between the two policies, forming a good synergy effect, the impact of government subsidies on enterprise innovation is greater than that of tax saving. The conclusion of this paper shows the implementation status of the innovation-driven policy in Hubei province, it provides enlightenment for the government to explore the mechanism of policy action, improve the innovation-driven policy system and the innovation ability of high-tech enterprises.

Key Words: Innovation-driven ; Fiscal policies;High-tech enterprise; Innovation; Synergistic


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究目的 1

1.1.3 研究意义 2

1.2 相关文献综述 2

1.2.1 关于创新驱动概念、内涵和外延的探讨 2

1.2.2 关于创新驱动视角下政策影响的探讨 3

1.2.3 关于创新驱动视角下创新评价的探讨 4

1.2.4 文献评述 5

1.3 研究内容与方法 5

1.3.1 研究内容 5

1.3.2 研究方法 6

第2章 概念界定与理论基础 7

2.1 相关概念界定 7

2.1.1 创新驱动政策 7

2.1.2 高科技企业 7

2.1.3 创新效率 8

2.2 基础理论 9

2.2.1 国家创新系统理论 9

2.2.2 市场缺陷理论 9

2.2.3 投入产出理论 10

第3章 湖北省创新驱动政策与高新技术企业创新现状分析 11

3.1 湖北省创新驱动政策现状 11

3.2 湖北省科技创新及高新技术产业发展现状 14

3.2.1 创新投入情况分析 14

3.2.2 创新产出情况分析 17

3.2.3 高新技术产业发展情况 20

3.3 创新政策对湖北高科技企业创新活动的影响 21

第4章 研究设计 24

4.1 研究假设 24

4.2 样本选取与数据来源 25

4.3 变量定义 26

4.4 模型构建 27

第5章 财税政策对湖北高科技企业创新影响的实证研究 30

5.1 描述性统计与相关性分析 30

5.1.1 描述性统计 30

5.1.2 相关性分析 31

5.2 财税政策对企业创新投入的影响研究 34

5.3 财税政策对企业创新产出的影响研究 36

5.4 财税政策对企业创新效率的影响研究 38

5.4.1 创新效率的测算 38

5.4.2 财税政策对企业创新效率的影响 39

5.5 财税政策对企业创新效率影响的协同效应 41

5.6 稳健性检验 43

5.7 实证研究结果 46

第6章 结论、建议及展望 47

6.1 研究结论 47

6.2 政策建议 48

6.3 不足与展望 49

参考文献 50

致谢 54

攻读学士学位期间发表的论文情况 55

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义

1.1.1 研究背景

在当前世界格局下的贸易竞争与经济比拼实则为各国研究与开发实力的竞争,科技创新成为推动国家或区域经济发展的新引擎。 创新驱动发展能够为一个国家在当前的经济竞争格局中谋求新的优势,因此,我国在2012年也明确提出实施创新驱动的发展战略,《中共中央国务院关于深化体制改革加快实施创新驱动发展的若干意见》、《国家创新驱动发展战略纲要》等接连颁布。创新驱动能够刺激一些符合国家战略布局的产业产生,为社会发展带来更多的机遇和新的经济增长点,为推动发展,促进地区经济结构改革和增强综合国力提供强有力的支撑。湖北省是连接我国中部和西北地区的重要支点,位于长江经济带中下游地区,区位优势较为突出,因此,当地创新驱动经济发展的落实情况及发展质量对于整体战略目标的实现具有重要意义。



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