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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-11-07 21:04:53  

摘 要


本文选用2014-2018年3028 家A股主板上市非ST公司为样本,采用多元回归模型,试图探讨企业履行社会责任对企业的影响,并以中国研究数据服务平台(CNRDS)网络财经新闻库的报道数来衡量网络媒体关注度,进而探讨网络媒体关注在社会责任对企业绩效影响中是否具有中介作用。实证结果表明,企业积极履行社会责任能够有效促进企业绩效的提升,而网络媒体关注度在二者的作用关系中起到了部分中介的作用。




With the development of economy in China, the importance of corporate social responsibility has been emphasized by the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Social responsibility has been included in the state-owned enterprises reform during The third plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The Fifth Plenary Session will raise the awareness of social responsibility to the same important status as national awareness and legal awareness; microscopically, the SASAC issued the "Guiding Opinions on the State-owned Enterprises in Better Performing Social Responsibilities". Social responsibility matters such as environmental aegis, promotion of people's livelihood and protection of natural resources during the period of leadership of leading cadres and state-owned enterprise leaders. The strong advocacy of the state not only reflects the awakening of public social awareness, but also makes the public realize the importance of corporate social responsibility. At the same time, regard to the development of Internet information, the high penetration and wide spread of online media also make it one of the important channels for the public to obtain information. Some scholars have studied how corporate social responsibility is promoted by corporate social responsibility on corporate performance. Considering that while online media disseminates information to the public, it is often accompanied by a certain public opinion effect, which affects both the public and the enterprise.

This article selects 3028 non-ST companies which are listed on the A-share main board between 2014 and 2018 as samples, and uses a multiple regression model to try to explore the impact of corporate social responsibility on companies. Measure the attention of online media, and then discuss the role of online media in mediating the role of social responsibility in corporate performance. The empirical results show that the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility has a significant positive effect on corporate performance, and online media focus on strengthening the relationship between corporate social responsibility performance and corporate performance.
The main contribution of this article is to introduce online media attention instead of traditional newspaper reports as the moderating variable to explore the impact of corporate social responsibility and performance. It is hoped that through the analysis in this article, companies can be promoted to better implement their social responsibilities and online media can play a better role.

Key words:corporate social responsibility;internet media attention;financial performance;


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的及意义 2

1.2.1研究目的 2

1.2.2研究意义 2

1.3国内外研究综述 3

1.3.1企业社会责任与企业绩效 3

1.3.2企业社会责任与媒体关注 4

1.3.3媒体关注与企业绩效 4

1.3.4国内外研究现状述评 5

1.4研究内容与研究方法 6

1.4.1研究内容 6

1.4.2研究方法 6

第2章 理论基础 7

2.1社会责任理论 7

2.1.1社会责任理论定义 7

2.1.2我国企业社会责任理论的发展 8

2.2利益相关者理论 8

2.2.1利益相关者理论定义 9

2.2.2我国利益相关者理论的发展 9

2.3企业声誉理论 10

2.3.1企业声誉理论定义 10

2.3.2我国企业声誉理论的发展 11

2.4信号理论 12

2.4.1信号理论定义 12

2.4.2我国信号理论的发展 13

第3章 理论分析与研究假设 14

3.1企业社会责任与企业绩效的关系 14

3.2企业社会责任与网络媒体关注的关系 15

3.3网络媒体关注与企业绩效的关系 15

3.4 网络媒体关注的中介作用 16

第4章 研究设计与模型框架 18

4.1样本选择与数据来源 18

4.2变量的定义与测量 18

4.3模型构建 20

第5章实证分析 22

5.1描述性统计 22

5.2相关性分析 23

5.3回归结果与分析 24

5.3.1全样本主回归分析 24

5.3.2产权性质分组回归分析 25

5.4稳健性检验 28

第6章 研究结论与相关建议 30

6.1研究结论 30

6.2相关建议 31

6.3研究局限与展望 31

参考文献 33

致谢 39

第1章 绪论





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