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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2020-07-15 20:46:03  

摘 要



关键词:环境信息 信息披露 环境会计 能源类企业

Research on accounting information disclosure of energy enterprises.


With the acceleration of economic development, the environment we live on has been damaged to a greater extent. To solve this problem, we must carry out the road of sustainable development. The energy industry is one of the dozen polluting industries in China's environmental protection department. At present, the development of the industry is attracting more and more attention from stakeholders. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the environmental information disclosure of Energy Listed Companies in China.

This paper first analyzes the research background and significance of environmental disclosure, and puts forward its own research ideas. Then it analyzes some problems in the accounting information disclosure of China's energy enterprises, and finds out the deficiencies and defects in the environmental information disclosure of China's energy enterprises, and puts forward more reasonable solutions and suggestions according to the problems and the actual situation of our country. However, because of the limited level of the author, there are still many problems in the study of environmental information disclosure. It is still necessary for experts and scholars to cooperate with enterprises and government management departments to find a way for the development of Chinese enterprises.

Key words: environmental information information disclosure environmental accounting energy enterprises

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

第二章 环境会计信息披露的理论分析 2

2.1环境会计信息披露的理论基础 2

2.1.1环境价值理论 2

2.1.2可持续发展理论 2

2.1.3信息不对称理论 3

2.2发展环境会计的必要性研究 3

第三章 我国环境会计信息披露的问题分析 4

3.1样本选择和数据来源 4

3.2信息披露的形式及内容 5

第四章 我国环境会计信息披露中的问题 6

4.1会计信息披露不规范,相关法律不完善 6

4.2会计信息披露的内容质量差 6

4.3信息披露缺乏审核,可靠性欠缺 7

4.4信息披露内容片面且流于表面 7

第五章 环境会计信息披露问题的原因分析 8

5.1环境信息披露的法律准则不规范 8

5.2公司披露信息的主动性较差 8

5.3社会环境利益相关者对环保信息披露的关注不高 9

5.4对环境信息监管力度不够 9

第六章 提高环境会计信息披露水平的建议 10

6.1加强政府对环境信息披露的责任,健全法律法规 10

6.2完善环境信息披露方式 10

6.3加强监管审计力度,保障公司自愿披露信息 10

6.3.1需要外部力量的介入来监督企业所披露的环境信息 10

6.3.2加强对环境信息披露的监管 11

6.3.3加强执法,严惩违反法律、法规和有关标准的企业 11

6.4加强企业内部监管 11

6.5加强环保宣传发挥社会舆论监督作用 12

6.6加强人才培养教育参考文献 12

结束语 13

参考文献 14

第一章 绪论



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