2020-06-16 06:50:35
摘 要
关键词:税收成本 控制 征税成本 纳税成本
Study on Tax Cost Control in China
The taxation cost as a tax behavior must pay the price, with the objective existence of the tax revenue as a major tax revenue. The government in the tax collection and management, it should be reasonable control of tax costs, enterprises also need to reduce the tax costs to promote the healthy development of enterprises. This paper will explore the source of tax revenue through two aspects of tax authorities and enterprises, discussing the taxation cost control and optimization strategy in light of the present tax situation, and explain the importance of paying attention to tax cost and tax cost control. The paper is divided into four parts: The first part elaborates the concept of tax cost, mainly through the theoretical development of tax cost, the concept of tax cost. This paper analyzes the current situation of tax revenue in China from the two dimensions of enterprises and tax institutions, and then reflects the current situation of foreign tax revenue through 2-3 foreign tax data, and compares the current situation of domestic and foreign The third part is the concept of cost control, the meaning of cost control and the index of tax revenue. The fourth part will be based on the above situation, through the merger of the country tax, three certificates, Increase "and other current policy analysis, put forward the corresponding tax cost control strategy, with a view to promoting the harmonious development of both sides.
Key Words: Tax costs; Control; Taxation costs; Taxable cost
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 税收成本理论分析 1
1.1 税收成本的理论发展 1
1.2 税收成本的内涵 2
1.2.1 税收成本的概念 2
1.2.2 税收成本的特点 3
1.2.3 影响税收成本的原因 3
1.3 税收成本的控制原则 4
1.4 衡量税收成本指标 4
1.4.1控制征税成本的指标体系 4
1.4.2控制纳税成本的指标体系 6
第二章 我国税收成本现状及原因 7
2.1我国税收成本现状 7
2.1.1征税成本纵向对比 7
2.1.2征税成本横向对比 8
2.2 我国税收现状成因 10
2.2.1 税务机构重复设置 10
2.2.2税务人员过多 10
2.2.3 企业纳税成本意识薄弱 11
2.2.4“三证合一”加大基层挑战 11
第三章 国外税收成本控制经验及借鉴 12
3.1 国外税收现状 12
3.2 发达国家税收征管经验 12
3.2.1 转变征管理念 12
3.2.2 使用公共选择理论进行征纳税管理 12
第四章 税收成本的控制策略 14
4.1 推进税务机构合并 14
4.2 促进信息流通性与对称性 14
4.3 加大青年培养力度,注入新鲜血液 15
4.4 简化税制,优化结构 17
4.4.1完善流转税体系 17
4.4.2完善所得税体系 18
4.5 促使企业完善税收成本的管理机制 18
4.6 加强相关财务人员培训 19
结语 20
参考文献 21
致谢 22
1.1 税收成本的理论发展
税收成本问题在西方国家已由来已久,早在1771年,威廉·佩第(William Petty)在其代表作《赋税论》、《政治算数》中首次提出了关于税收成本方面的标准,即“征收费用不能过多,应尽量注意节约”的节约标准,但这仅仅是提出一个问题,并没有进行相关论述;直到古典学派大师亚当·斯密(Adam Smith)在1776年发表《国富论》,才对税收成本问题有了较为明确和详细的论述,在书中,亚当·斯密提出了著名的四大原则——“平等,确实,便利,最少征收费用”;实际上也就是强调对于税收成本的控制,即“一切赋税的征收,须设法使人民所付出的,尽可能是国家收入的”[1]。从这个方面看,斯密已经看到了收税所要付出成本的必然性,包括公职人员的工资,税务机构的费用,这些费用都使得国家税收的实际收入减少;