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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2020-02-15 10:41:38  

摘 要







Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the state has attached great importance to innovation and development. High-tech enterprises, as a group of enterprises with a highly innovative spirit, have attracted the attention of the state, society and people. On the one hand, the state has increased its support to high-tech enterprises and implemented preferential policies such as tax relief and financial subsidies. On the other hand, people's living standards have improved. Many people choose to invest their idle funds in financial investment. High-tech enterprises have certainly become the investment targets of the broad masses of the people. The stock market is mixed, and some high-tech enterprises may have the behavior of whitewashing reports in order to obtain government support. This behavior will confuse investors. In order to help investors to formulate suitable investment plans, it is necessary to study the investment value of high-tech enterprises.

This artical will explore the factors that affect the investment value of hi-tech enterprises, based on the relevant factors that affect investors 'investment decisions and the characteristics of the development of hi-tech enterprises. The investment value analysis index system of high-tech enterprises was established by using factor analysis method with 25 factors combined with 1186 sample data. In order to ensure that the index system itself is scientific and rational, the selected indicators include 18 financial indicators and 7 non-financial indicators, and fully consider the impact of financial indicators and non-financial indicators on the value of investment. After establishing the investment value analysis index system, 1186 samples were applied to the indicator system, and after calculating the comprehensive score, the value of the sample investment was compared and ranked. It was found that the individual common factor does not necessarily have to be the top score for enterprises with higher comprehensive score. But they all have one common feature, which is the existence of a certain common factor scoring much more than other companies. Finally, according to the index weight and related results of the index system, relevant suggestions are put forward to enterprises and investors. When an enterprise can not fully satisfy the means of enhancing its own investment value, it should improve according to the order of improving its profitability, solvency, operating ability, development ability, dividend distribution level, risk level, and innovation ability. For investors, the relevant data can be substituted into the index equation established in this aryical to calculate the results and then make investment decision.

The research methods to be adopted in this artical are literature research, interdisciplinary research, qualitative and quantitative research and empirical research. The paper makes a qualitative and quantitative analysis of investment value by reviewing relevant literature combined with the knowledge system of accounting, mathematics and other disciplines.

The innovation point of this artical is that it fully considers the factors that affect the investment value of high-tech enterprises, including financial factors and non-financial factors, and covers a wide range of areas. This article quantifies the non-financial indicators that are difficult to quantify and improves the scientific nature of the research.

Key Words:Factor analysis method;High-tech enterprises;Investment value ;Indicator system

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.1.1 研究目的 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 3

1.2.3 国内外研究综述 4

1.3 研究内容与方法 5

1.3.1 研究内容 5

1.3.2 研究方法 5

第2章 相关理论基础 7

2.1 高新技术企业概述 7

2.1.1 高新技术企业概念 7

2.1.2 高新技术企业技术领域 7

2.1.3 高新技术企业认定标准 8

2.1.4 高新技术企业特点 8

2.1.5 高新技术企业投资价值影响因素 9

2.2 因子分析法 10

2.2.1 因子分析法的概念 10

2.2.2 因子分析的详细步骤 11

2.3 投资价值分析方法及选取 11

2.3.1 投资价值分析方法 11

2.3.2 高新技术企业投资价值研究方法的选取 12

第3章 实证分析 14

3.1 样本选取及数据来源 14

3.1.1 样本选取 14

3.1.2 数据来源 14

3.2 实证分析过程 15

3.2.1 因子分析法的适用性检验 15

3.2.2 公共因子的选取 15

3.2.3 旋转并解释公共因子 16

3.2.4 公共因子得分函数的确定 18

3.3 实证结果及分析 18

3.3.1 实证结果 18

3.3.2 实证结果分析 20

第4章 高新技术企业投资价值分析指标体系的构建 21

4.1 指标体系的构建原则 21

4.2 相关指标的选取 22

4.2.1 财务指标 22

4.2.2 非财务指标 22

3.3 指标体系的建立 22

4.4 指标体系的说明 25

第5章 结论与相关建议 26

5.1 结论 26

5.2 相关建议 26

5.2.1对企业的建议 26

5.2.2对投资者的建议 27

参考文献 28

致 谢 29

第1章 绪论














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