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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2022-06-14 21:30:22  


摘 要


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及研究意义 1

1.2文献综述 1

1.3 本文主要内容、研究方法、创新点 3

1.3.1主要内容 3

1.3.2研究方法 3

1.3.3创新点 4

第二章 环境会计信息披露相关理论概述 5

2.1环境会计相关概念 5

2.1.1什么是环境会计 5

2.1.2环境会计信息披露 5

2.1.3重污染行业如何界定 5

2.2环境会计信息披露相关理论 5

2.2.1可持续发展理论 5

2.2.2利益相关者理论 6

2.2.3信息不对称理论 6

2.2.4决策有用论 7

第三章 以造纸业上市公司为例探究环境信息披露现状 8

3.1造纸业上市公司2012—2014年环境信息披露状况 8

3.1.1样本选择 9

3.1.2造纸业上市公司环境信息披露的统计分析 9

3.2我国造纸行业上市公司环境会计信息披露现状 9

3.2.1披露内容上的问题 9

3.2.2披露方式上的问题 10

第四章 我国造纸行业信息披露存在问题的原因分析 12

4.1环境会计法制建设不够完善 12

4.2环境会计信息披露缺乏必要的审核 12

4.3政府机构监管松懈 13

4.4信息需求者对信息获取的要求不高 13

第五章 完善我国上市公司环境信息披露的建议 14

5.1监管部门 14

5.1.1完善与环境有关的法律法规 14

5.1.2环保部门与证券监督部门联合工作 14

5.1.3让环保部门拥有更多的权力 14

5.1.4注重发挥各个社会组织的作用 14

5.2企业自身 15

5.2.1提高披露环境信息的自觉性 15

5.2.2完善环境信息披露体系 15

5.2.3提高财务人员的素质 16

5.3社会公众及媒体 16

结束语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 20


摘 要



关键词:环境会计信息 造纸行业 信息披露

Environmental Information Disclosure of Listed Companies problems of heavy polluting industries in China


In recent years, with the development of the economy, environmental pollution has become increasingly serious.How to ensure stable economic development, balancing common development of economic and environmental has become a top priority. According to the "Environmental Information Disclosure of Listed Companies Guide" (draft) announced by the ministry on September 14, 2010, thermal power, steel, cement, electrolytic aluminum, coal, metallurgy, chemical, petrochemical, building materials, paper, brewing, pharmaceutical , fermentation, textile, leather and mining industries composing 16 categories of heavily polluting industries.These heavily polluted companies involves approximately 575 listed companies, which accounts for 29.6% of SHENZHEN STOCK EXCHANGE and SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE.So heavily polluting industries has an inescapable responsibility to bear the pollutiion problem.These listes companies should publish annual environmental reports, periodic disclosure of environmental information pollutant emissions, environmental compliance, environmental management and other aspects,so the environmental information disclosure of the listed companies becomes an entry point.

At first,this paper introduces the background and the significence,and then the related theories such as the theory of stakeholders and the decision of uesfulness are mentioned;at the same time the paper selected 25 listed companies as the sample,from both of the way of the disclosure and the content of the disclosure ,summing up the problems of heavily polluting industries listed companies to disclose environmental information and gives recommendations to address these issues.

KEYWORDS:The environmental information;Papermaking industry;Information disclosure


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