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 2022-04-23 18:26:55  


摘 要





关键词:利率 市场化 商业银行 风险管理

The Impact Of Interest Rate Liberalization On Chinese Commercial Banks And Its Risk Management


In recent years,the social from all walks of life are looking appealed to the marketization of interest rate can accelerate. The interest rate market turn in to a large extent can achieve capital flows and the configuration of the continuous optimization. However commercial bank,as the currency capital lending and borrowing of intermediaries,on the one hand,through the industry liability providedidle funds,on the other hand through the business of the assets,the collected funds to invest in various sectors of the economy. Its business interest rate to a large extent by the impact of interest rate market. Commercial banks and residents lives and business interest rate changes will directly affect the residents financial interests. Therefore the process of marketization of interest rates need to pay more attention to the commercial bank,transformation,upgrading,to the maximum extent reduce prejudice to the interests of the residents.

Market interest rates of January 1,1996,the central bank to set up a unified national inter - Bank interbank borrowing market interest rates,the formation of inter bank interbank lending market interest rate as a symbol,open Beginning in the Chinese market steadily. Commercial banks in the 20 years of time,management appeared opportunities also suffered the risk.

Foreign completed the first interest rate marketization or ongoing interest rate marketization countries. In this process, from many aspects. Some countries well resolved,and ultimately achieve the rapid economic development,and in some countries,but because there is no effective treatment,resulting in the influence of bubble economy risk. The marketization of interest rate in China,as opposed to the "fast" should pay more attention to smooth.

This paper will explore the interest rate market of Commercial Bank of China specific effects and commercial banks should adopt the relevant risk management measures.

Key words: Interest;Marketization;Commercial Banks;Risk Management

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1利率市场化的内涵 1

1.1.1各类金融机构有自主制定相关业务利率的权力 1

1.1.2国家并未丧失对利率的管理权限 1

1.1.3金融市场自发形成多层次的金融市场利率数量、期限、风险结构 2

1.1.4市场利率的浮动基准将由同业拆借利率或短期国债利率决定 2

1.2中国利率市场化的现状 2

1.2.1企业融资不稳定 2

1.2.2投资规模不稳定 2

1.2.3银行业发展不稳定 2

1.2.4可能出现资产泡沫现象 3

第二章 利率市场化实施的必要性分析 4

2.1 利率市场化的必要性 4

2.1.1利率市场化是市场经济发展到一定程度的必然要求 4

2.1.2利率市场化是中国参与国际经济活动的必然要求 4

2.2 利率市场化的意义 4

2.2.1利率市场化能够改变资金效率使用低下的现状 4

2.2.2利率市场化能够改变原有政策体制下价格扭曲的现状 5

2.2.3利率市场化能够改变企业缺乏创新力与竞争力的现状 5

第三章 利率市场化对我国商业银行的影响 6

3.1利率市场化对我国商业银行的积极影响 6

3.1.1有利于促进商业银行之间公平竞争,提供更好的产品以及更加优质的服务 6

3.1.2有利于提升我国商业银行的国际竞争力 6

3.1.3有利于为商业银行营造良好的经营环境,形成完善的管理机制 6

3.1.4有利于商业银行优化客户结构,促进中小企业发展 7

3.2利率市场化对我国商业银行的消极影响 7

3.2.1利率市场化使得商业银行传统业务遭遇瓶颈 7

3.2.2利率市场化使商业银行面临流动性风险 7

3.2.3利率市场化将使商业银行遭遇巨大的利率风险 8

3.2.4利率市场化加大了逆向选择风险与道德风险 8

3.2.5利率市场化使商业银行法律风险、违规风险增大 8

3.2.6利率市场化可能会造成恶性价格竞争 8

第四章 中国商业银行应对利率市场化的风险管理 9

4.1调整资金比例,降低资金成本 9

4.2重视金融创新,大力发展中间业务 9

4.3提高抵抗流动性风险、利率风险以及信用风险的能力 9

4.4密切关注宏观经济发展动向、把握国家经济发展总动向 10

4.5规范利率运作主体的市场化行为,加强行业的自律、他律管理 10

结束语 11

参考文献 12

致谢 14

第一章 引言


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