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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2022-04-17 22:25:10  


摘 要

充足的资金是一个企业长久稳定发展的重要前提,而从哪里筹集资金就成为了企业需要面对的首要问题。因而顺应现实发展的需要负债经营变为了现代企业为提高经济效益优先考虑采用的一种经营方式。同时由于适当的负债经营可以让企业和投资者均获得收益,实现双赢,因此,目前大部分企业发展均呈现出负债经营的趋势。从社会经济的角度来看,负债经营是企业和经济发展到一定水平的必然产物,从现有的经营环境来看, 一个企业的富有程度不仅仅是看其自有资金是否足够,还要看其偿还债务的能力,负债经营是现代企业的基本具备的特征之一,也是检验企业繁荣昌盛程度的重要方法。一个想要长远发展的企业在走合理负债经营道路的同时也要注重自身的积累,并注重对财务风险的防范。


关键词:负债经营 财务风险 杠杆效应 资金结构 对策

Enterprise debt management problems and countermeasures


Adequate funding is an important prerequisite for a long-term stable development of enterprises, and to raise funds from the primary issue becomes where companies need to face. Thus conform to actual development needs of the modern enterprise debt management becomes a priority to improve the economic efficiency of the use of a mode of operation. The same time as the appropriate debt management enables companies and investors are to benefit and achieve win-win situation, so that the majority of enterprise development were shown a trend of debt management. Socio-economic point of view, debt management is a business and economic development to a certain level the inevitable outcome, from the existing business environment, a business degree is not just the wealthy see their own capital adequacy, but also its ability to repay debt, with debt management is one of the basic characteristics of modern enterprises, is an important method of business prosperity level test. Want a long-term development of the enterprise in taking the road of rational debt management must also pay attention to their accumulation and focus on financial risks.

Based on the above background, the operating status of domestic and foreign enterprises to explore the analysis of the debt, business debt management combined with the advantages and disadvantages of business development, the status and the way debt management companies were analyzed, using literature survey, data statistics , combined with an airline debt management cases, the impact of debt management on profitability caused by the process has been analyzed and found that, when the enterprise debt levels at a reasonable reimbursable range and liabilities can stimulate the economic development of enterprises, but when the corporate debt ratio is too high, beyond their ability to repay debt can accelerate bankruptcy. Therefore, our current business needs dialectical look at debt management companies to profitability as a reference, the regulation of corporate debt ratio to a reasonable level, so as to promote economic development enterprises.

Key Words:Debt management; Financial risk; Leverage effect; Fund structure;



摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1研究企业负债经营的目的和意义 1

1.2 国内研究现状 1

1.2.1企业负债意义概述 1

1.2.2关于企业负债经营 1

1.2.3国外对企业负债经营的研究 2

1.3研究手段 3

第二章 企业负债经营概述 4

2.1我国企业负债经营的现状 4

2.2 企业负债经营的主要成因 5

2.3 负债经营的特点 7

2.4 企业负债经营对企业的影响 7

2.4.1正面影响 7

2.4.2 负面影响 9

2.5 负债经营的企业在发展过程中遇到的问题 10

第三章 中国南方航空股份有限公司负债经营实证分析 12

3.1关于南方航空公司 12

3.2近年来南方航空公司的财务状况 12

3.2.1资产负债表摘要 12

3.2.2利润表摘要 12

3.2.3现金流量表摘要 13

3.3南方航空公司的财务分析 13

3.3.1资产负债表分析 13

3.3.2利润表分析 15

3.3.3各项能力指标分析 16

3.4小结及建议 19

第四章 企业负债经营风险防范及对策 21

4.1负债经营风险防范 21

4.2解决负债经营存在问题的对策 23

结 语 26

参 考 文 献 27

致 谢 28

第一章 引言




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