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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文

并购业绩承诺的风险管理研究 —以坚瑞沃能并购深圳沃特玛为例毕业论文

 2021-11-16 23:45:28  


摘 要






Performance commitment is a form of Mamp;A contract with Chinese characteristics, generally in the form of a gamble agreement abroad. Mamp;A performance commitments take place in Mamp;A and reorganization activities in the capital market. The target company predicts its future profitability and promises investors performance that it will achieve in a certain period in the future. In the follow-up operation process, once the target company cannot complete the performance target promised in the contract, it should compensate the investor in accordance with the terms of the contract.

In recent years, my country's economy has developed rapidly, the capital market has been increasingly improved, and mergers and acquisitions and reorganization activities among enterprises have occurred more and more frequently. Performance commitment, as a common form of merger and acquisition contracts, has been more and more widely used in corporate mergers and acquisitions and reorganization activities. However, in actual use, my country's Mamp;A performance commitments are generally over-valued, and performance commitments often fail. How to identify the risks of Mamp;A performance commitments and risk management is an important issue that companies need to pay attention to.

Based on the above background, this article takes Jianrui Woneng Mamp;A Shenzhen Wattmar as a research case, and uses the theoretical research method, literature index method and case analysis method to discuss and analyze the risk of Mamp;A performance commitment and its risk management. The thesis first explains the relevant concepts and theoretical basis, and then introduces the two parties, the transaction process, the transaction background and the motivation of the merger and acquisition of Jianrui Woneng's Mamp;A in Shenzhen Waterma, and the case is based on the preparation stage, transaction stage and integration stage. Identify and evaluate the risks based on performance commitments, and make relevant suggestions on their risk prevention. Finally, the paper summarizes and prospects the research of this paper.

Key Words:M amp; A; Performance Commitment; Risk Identification; Risk Evaluation; Risk Prevention

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的与意义 1

1.1.1研究目的 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1并购业绩承诺的相关研究 2

1.2.2并购业绩承诺风险管理的相关研究 3

1.2.3研究述评 4

1.3研究内容和方法 5

1.3.1研究内容 5

1.3.2研究方法 5

1.3.3 技术路线 6

第2章 相关概念与理论 7

2.1并购业绩承诺的内涵 7

2.1.1并购业绩承诺的概念 7

2.1.2 并购业绩承诺的构成要素 7

2.2 并购业绩承诺风险的定义与成因 9

2.2.1 并购业绩承诺风险的定义 9

2.2.2 并购业绩承诺风险的成因 9

2.3 并购业绩承诺风险的识别与防范 10

2.3.1 并购业绩承诺风险的种类 10

2.3.2 并购业绩承诺风险的识别 10

2.3.3 并购业绩承诺的风险防范 10

第3章 坚瑞沃能并购深圳沃特玛案例简介 12

3.1 并购双方简介 12

3.1.1 坚瑞沃能简介 12

3.1.2 深圳沃特玛简介 13

3.2 并购背景与过程 14

3.2.1交易背景 14

3.2.2交易过程 15

3.3并购动因 16

3.3.1多元化战略转型 16

3.3.2新能源汽车和动力电池的高速发展 16

3.3.3“1 1gt;2”协同效应 16

第4章 坚瑞沃能并购沃特玛业绩承诺风险识别 18

4.1准备阶段风险识别 18

4.1.1业绩承诺目标设定风险 18

4.1.2业绩承诺兑现政策风险 18

4.2交易阶段风险识别 19

4.2.1融资风险 19

4.2.2支付风险 20

4.3整合阶段风险识别 20

4.3.1业绩受损风险 20

4.3.2偿债风险 21

4.3.3商誉减值风险 22

4.3.4业绩补偿受限风险 22

第5章 坚瑞沃能并购沃特玛业绩承诺风险防范 24

5.1准备阶段风险防范 24

5.1.1业绩承诺目标设定风险防范 24

5.1.2业绩承诺兑现政策风险防范 24

5.2交易阶段风险防范 25

5.2.1融资风险防范 25

5.2.2支付风险防范 25

5.3整合阶段风险防范 26

5.3.1业绩受损风险防范 26

5.3.2偿债风险防范 26

5.3.3商誉减值风险防范 27

5.3.4业绩补偿受限风险 27

第6章 结论与展望 29

6.1研究结论 29

6.2研究展望 29

参考文献 30

致 谢 32

第1章 绪论







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