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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-11-08 21:35:53  

摘 要






With the continuous development of market economy, the function of our government has changed from the former regulatory government to the service-oriented government. In this context, the society's requirements for the openness of government information and the efficiency of governance are constantly improving. The former government accounting model based on the cash basis of accounting recognition no longer meets the needs of current social and economic development and government transformation, and its disadvantages are increasingly prominent. Compared with the cash system, accrual system has great advantages in measuring the performance of the government,ensuring that the government financial funds are sufficient, reflecting the government's financial situation, improving the authenticity of government information and so on. It is very suitable for the needs of the current social and economic development, which is impossible to achieve the cash system. So, the comprehensive application of accrual system will be the main direction of government accounting reform and development.

This paper compares the advantages and disadvantages of the two recognition bases, namely, the cash basis and the accrual basis. Based on the analysis of the development process and existing problems of government accounting in China, and combined with the specific cases of Suqian, it concludes the necessity of implementing the accrual basis in government accounting in China. Also, in this paper,writer gives his ideas on the obstacles and favorable conditions of the introduction of accrual basis in government accounting, and concludes the possibility of the reform.

Finally, on the basis of fully considering China situation and its difficulties and troubles in reforming, this paper gives suggestions on the reform of our country’s government accounting from three aspects of system construction, specific measures and other suggestions, in order to put forward practical suggestions for promoting the reform of accrual system in government accounting.

Key words: Accrual basis; Government accounting; Recognition basis

目 录

第 1 章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究综述 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

1.2.3文献评述 3

1.3研究内容与方法 3

1.3.1研究内容 3

1.3.2研究方法 4

1.3.3研究路线 4

第 2 章 本文研究的理论基础 5

2.1政府会计 5

2.2会计确认基础 5

2.2.1收付实现制 5

2.2.2权责发生制 5

2.2.3两种确认基础的比较 6

第 3 章 我国政府会计引入权责发生制的现状分析 7

3.1我国政府会计的发展历程 7

3.1.1我国政府会计的初步建立 7

3.1.2我国政府会计的改革完善 7

3.1.3我国政府会计的正式确立 8

3.2收付实现制在政府会计运用中存在的问题 8

3.2.1收付实现制在政府会计核算中存在的问题 8

3.2.2收付实现制在政府会计信息披露中存在的问题 9

3.3我国政府会计引入权责发生制的必要性 9

3.3.1实现政府职能转变的内在要求 10

3.3.2防范政府财政风险的客观需要 10

3.3.3接受审计和社会监督的实际需要 11

3.4我国政府会计引入权责发生制的可行性 11

3.4.1我国政府会计引入权责发生制的有利条件 11

3.4.2我国政府会计引入权责发生制存在的障碍 13

第 4 章 我国政府会计引入权责发生制的相关建议 14

4.1制度构建 14

4.1.1推出适合我国国情的改革方案 14

4.1.2搭建权责发生制政府会计基本框架 14

4.1.3构建实施权责发生制的保障体系 15

4.2具体举措 15

4.2.1细化资产负债科目,明确政府资产负债情况 15

4.2.2扩展会计核算方式,保障会计核算准确完整 16

4.2.3丰富财务报告内容,全面反映财务绩效情况 16

4.3其他建议 18

4.3.1提高政府会计信息化水平 18

4.3.2提高公民财务知识水平 18

4.4运用效果分析 19

4.4.1更准确合理反映资产负债情况 19

4.4.2更有效评价政府绩效情况 19

4.4.3政府信息更为公开全面透明 19

结束语 20

参考文献 21

第 1 章 绪论







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