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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-11-08 21:24:25  

摘 要

21世纪以来,世界经济一体化,经济全球化趋势加不断剧,在瞬息万变的市场竞争中,很多大型国际企业面临着种种财务困境。自改革开放以来,我国经济发展非常迅速,自1990年上海证券交易所成立后,我国证券市场经过 20 几年的发展也比较稳定。但是市场经济并不稳定,企业在经营中面临着许多残酷的内外部的考验。在国际经济日趋复杂的今天,上市公司面临的种种问题中最主要的是财务困境。由于本国正处在金融转型期,财经体系、资源市场、社会信用系统、物权市场等方向都还不充分,故财务困境仍是一个发展中的,有待完善的学说。




Since the 21st century, in the rapidly changing market competition, many large international enterprises are facing various financial difficulties because of the world economic integration and the trend of economic globalization. Since the reform and opening up, China's economic development is very rapid.Since the establishment of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1990, China's securities market is relatively stable after more than 20 years of development. But the market economy is not stable, enterprises in the operation may encounter many brutal internal and external tests. Nowadays, the international economy is becoming more and more complex. The most important problem of the listed companies is the financial distress. Because of the fact that our country is in the financial transition period, the financial system, the resource market, the social credit system, the property right market and so on are still very imperfect, therefore the financial distress is still a developing and imperfect theory.

This thesis takes the listed company as the break-through point, carrying out the qualitative analysis of the listed companies’ natural characteristics and the financial distress, introduces the financial distress cost,the important measurement index, studies the influence of the financial condition measurements’ utility by discussing the relationship between the internal factors such as corporate governance structure, internal control environment, business capability and financial distress, as well as the external factors of the company under PESTL analysis and stakeholder analysis to explore the measuring indicators of financial distress and the effective ways out for internal and external factors, and to make concrete use of the examples of a large Chinese shipping company(COSCO)’s financial distress, and finally makes a scientific and effective summary and outlook.I hope to be able to get rid of the same type of enterprise financial difficulties to achieve sustainable development and provide both recommendations and reference.

Keywords: Financial Distress, corporate governance,operational capability, stakeholders

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的与意义 1

1.1.1研究目的 1

1.1.2研究意义 2

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国外研究现状 2

1.2.2国内研究现状 3

1.2.3研究述评 4

1.3研究内容与方法 5

1.3.1研究内容 5

1.3.2研究方法 5

第2章 上市公司财务困境概述 7

2.1上市公司财务困境简介 7

2.1.1上市公司定义 7

2.1.2上市公司特点 8

2.1.3上市公司面临财务困境的表现 8

2.2上市公司财务困境衡量指标-财务困境成本 9

第3章 上市公司财务困境成因分析 11

3.1 公司内部因素分析 11

3.1.1公司治理结构与财务困境 11

3.1.2公司内部控制环境与财务困境 11


3.2 公司外部因素分析 13

3.2.1PESTEL分析法下的公司外部环境分析 13

3.2.2公司外部环境因素及利益相关者分析 13

第4章 上市公司财务困境对策分析 15

4.1上市公司化解财务困境的内部解决措施 15

4.2上市公化解财务困境的外部解决措施 16

第5章 财务困境成因及对策实例分析-以中远海控为例 18

5.1中远海控控股股份有限公司简介 18

5.2财务困境表现 18

5.2.1债务负担严重,企业偿债能力萎缩 18





5.4脱离财务困境的建议 25



第6章 结论与展望 28

6.1研究结论 28

6.2研究展望 28

参考文献 30

致谢 32

第1章 绪论



新世纪的车轮滚滚向前,在新时代的潮流中国际经济一体化不断加剧,网络科技的高速发展给市场竞争带来了很多不稳定的因素。在不断变化的市场经济竞争中,很多各国重型企业也由于内外部影响因素也面临着财务方面的困境。自改革开放以来,本国经济发展非常迅速,1990年上证交易所成立后,经过 20 几年的成长,本国金融市场也比较稳定。然而,社会主义市场经济具有自身选优淘劣的律例,大小公司在经营中需面对许多残酷的考验。在投资上不能做出明确的选择的企业将导致企业内部管理混乱、结构失衡。在世界经济形势日渐复杂的今天,挂牌公司直面很多问题,其中最主要的是财务困境。由于本国正处在金融转型期,财经体系、资源市场、社会征信体系、物权市场等方面都还发展不充分,故财务困境仍是一个成长中的,有待完善的理论。


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