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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-11-08 21:23:16  

摘 要






Capital management is of great significance to all enterprises.Due to their own characteristics, construction companies need to focus more on the importance of capital management.This paper first studied the situation of capital management of construction companies in China and abroad, analyzed the purpose and meaning of capital management, and then talked about the relevant issues according to the features of construction companies in China.After that, the theory of capital management mode, working capital administration and centralized capital management theory involved in this paper is elaborated, which serves as the theoretical basis for the following article.

This paper mainly studies the comparison and selection of the capital management mode of China's construction enterprises, as well as the problems of improvement, and takes M enterprise as the research object for case analysis.This paper introduces five major fund management modes, including unified collection and expenditure mode, petty cash allocation mode, internal bank mode, settlement center mode and financial company mode, and compares them from different perspectives.In the case analysis part, this paper introduces the situation of M enterprise, its operation status and current fund management mode, and makes a general analysis of the recent financial status of M enterprise.Based on the collected data and analysis, this paper discusses the problems in the present capital administration pattern of M enterprise, and figures out the most suitable capital management mode combination of M company through the comparative analysis of five capital management modes one by one.After the case analysis, this paper promoted the case analysis to a certain extent, studied how to adopt the effective fund management mode and the factors to be considered in the whole construction industry, and gave the optimization Suggestions.

This article is to the fund management mode of construction enterprises in aspect of rich and improvement of the theory system. Attempting to conquer the problem and optimize construction company capital management mode at the same time, through the combination of theory and data analysis, we attempt to explore one country construction enterprise capital management mode choice analysis method, and provide theory support for the later research.Based on the analysis of actual cases, it also provides some references for construction enterprises to choose a suitable mode through comparison in actual fund management.

Keywords: Construction enterprises, capital management, capital management mode, M enterprise

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的与意义 1

1.1.1研究目的 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国外研究现状 2

1.2.2国内研究现状 3

1.2.3国内外研究评述 4

1.3研究内容与方法 5

1.3.1研究内容 5

1.3.2研究方法 5

第2章 相关理论基础 7

2.1 企业资金管理概述 7

2.1.1 企业资金管理的概念与特征 7

2.1.2 企业资金管理的目的与意义 7

2.2 相关理论 8

2.2.1资金管理模式理论 8

2.2.2营运资金管理理论 8

2.2.3资金集中管理理论 9

第3章 施工企业资金管理模式现状分析 10

3.1施工企业的行业特征 10

3.2施工企业资金管理的特征 10

3.3 施工企业资金管理的主要模式及适用范围 11

3.3.1 统收统支模式 11

3.3.2 拨付备用金模式 11

3.3.3 内部银行模式 12

3.3.4 结算中心模式 12

3.3.5 财务公司模式 12

3.4施工企业主要资金管理模式的比较 13

3.4.1 资金集中程度的比较 13

3.4.2 机构设置的比较 13

3.4.3 适用范围的比较 14

3.4.4 与集团企业及银行的关系比较 14

3.5施工企业资金管理模式普遍存在的问题 14

3.5.1 资金管理模式不健全、不完善 14

3.5.2 信息化程度不高 14

3.5.3 集权与分权处理问题 15

第4章 案例分析——以M施工企业为例 16

4.1 M公司简介 16

4.1.1 M公司基本情况 16

4.1.2 M施工企业经营状况分析 16

4.2 M公司资金管理模式介绍 19

4.3 M公司资金管理模式的突出问题分析 20

4.3.1 资金管理模式分散的问题 20

4.3.2 应收账款相关问题 20

4.3.3 原材料相关问题 21

4.3.4 资金运用效益性和融资相关问题 21

4.4 M公司资金管理模式的改进 21

4.4.1 不同资金管理模式对M公司的适用性分析 21

4.4.2 M公司资金管理模式的选择与可行性 22

4.4.3 M公司新资金管理模式的运行与效果 22

第5章 施工企业资金管理模式的选择与优化建议 24

5.1 施工企业资金管理模式的选择 24

5.1.1 施工企业选择资金管理模式的考虑因素 24

5.1.2 施工企业资金管理模式的现实选择 25

5.2 施工企业资金管理模式的优化建议 25

5.2.1 优化现金管理策略 25

5.2.2 完善集团的财务管理体制 26

5.2.3 建立资金预算层级管理体系 26

5.2.4 建立良好的资金管理决策信息系统、信息化管理平台 26

5.2.5 建立资金管理模式风险防控机制 26

5.2.6 完善资金管理岗位责任制 27

第6章 结论与展望 28

6.1 研究结论 28

6.2 研究展望 28

参考文献 30

致谢 32

第1章 绪论






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