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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-11-07 21:11:08  

摘 要






In recent years, more and more Chinese enterprises are active in implementing overseas Mamp;As. In 2019, there were 591 cases of Mamp;As(mergers and acquisitions) with a total amount of $68.6 billion. The scale of Mamp;As are expanding. However, as a complex transnational investment activity, the course of oversea mergers and acquisitions of enterprises involves complex risks, and many mergers’ plans have failed. Scientific and accurate evaluation of Mamp;A risks has become an urgent goal for enterprises to achieve in overseas Mamp;A.

At present, there are many researches on the risks of overseas Mamp;As of companies, but most of the research results are partial qualitative analysis and rare quantitative and evaluation research on risks. This thesis takes 2018 manufacturing enterprises' overseas Mamp;As as the research object, referring to the investment risk measurement model in the field of financial engineering, tries to apply it to overseas mergers and acquisitions risk research, constructs a dynamic CoVaR model based on quartile regression to measure manufacturing enterprises' overseas mergers and acquisitions financial risks, and then predicts the influencing factors of financial risks by using a system dynamics simulation model.

In this thesis, dynamic CoVaR and systemic dynamics methods are integrated to quantitatively analyze the risks of overseas mergers and acquisitions of enterprises. The research content of overseas Mamp;As risks is innovated and the research method of overseas Mamp;As risks is expanded. Financial risks are measured on the basis of introducing financial macro variables, and then the evolution analysis of influencing factors of financial risks is carried out to make the research content more complete. According to dynamic CoVaR values and simulation results, real-time monitoring of risk factors is proposed, which is targeted.

Key Words:Overseas mergers and acquisitions; dynamic CoVaR; system dynamics

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的与意义 1

1.2.1 研究目的 1

1.2.2 研究意义 2

1.3 文献综述 2

1.3.1 金融风险的识别 2

1.3.2 金融风险的评估 3

1.3.3 简要评述 4

1.4 研究内容与研究方法 4

1.4.1 研究内容 4

1.4.2 研究方法 6

第2章 企业海外并购风险度量的理论基础 7

2.1 企业海外并购的动因 7

2.1.1 对外投资理论 7

2.1.2 并购理论 8

2.2 企业海外并购金融风险的成因理论 8

2.2.1海外并购金融风险的成因 8

2.2.2海外并购金融风险的特征 9

2.3 企业海外并购金融风险度量理论 11

第3章 制造业企业海外并购风险现状 12

3.1 企业海外并购现状 12

3.1.1 疫情影响下的海外并购现状 12

3.1.2 中国制造业企业海外并购现状 12

3.2 制造业企业海外并购趋势 14

第4章 制造业企业海外并购金融风险度量模型 17

4.1 金融风险度量模型——动态CoVaR 17

4.1.1 CoVaR模型 17

4.1.2 分位数回归模型 18

4.1.3 基于分位数回归的CoVaR 19

4.1.4 基于分位数回归的动态CoVaR 19

4.1.5 动态CoVaR模型代码 20

4.2 金融风险预测模型——系统动力学 21

4.2.1 金融风险预测模型框架 21

4.2.2 风险预测模型指标设定 21

4.2.3 风险预测仿真模型 21

第5章 应用分析 23

5.1 样本数据的选取与处理 23

5.1.1 样本的选取 23

5.1.2 数据的处理 23

5.2 动态CoVaR测度结果 25

5.2.1 动态CoVaR的测算 25

5.2.2 风险度量结果分析 28

5.3 风险预测模型结果 28

第6章 总结与展望 30

6.1 全文总结 30

6.2 研究展望 30

参考文献 31

致 谢 32

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

近年来,我国有越来越多的企业参与到海外并购活动中,企业海外并购的接近600例,涉及的金额高达686亿美元,企业海外并购事业正蓬勃发展。但作为一项投资行为,海外并购包含着复杂的风险,因此企业海外并购面临着失败率较高的困境。在我国,制造业企业海外并购的失败案例也不胜枚举。2018年,我国制造业企业共有8宗海外并购交易被终止,例如台海集团收购Leifeld Metal Spinning被德国政府以可能会“危及德国的公共秩序与安全”的理由否决;湖北鑫炎收购美国半导体测试设备商Xcerra被美国外国投资审委员会否决最终以失败告终。

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