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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-10-14 20:50:53  

摘 要



关键字:石化行业 环境成本 核算 披露


Since 12th Five-Year, our country has been strengthening the attention and improvement of environmental issues, especially in 2015, the new "environmental protection law". Petrochemical industry as a pillar industry of the national economy and, at the same time, high emissions, high pollution enterprises, for China's environmental protection and management have not shirk its responsibility, which requires the petrochemical industry enterprises in the information of environment accounting contents and modes, and disclosure more scientific, government regulation and social supervision should also continue to strengthen and improve.

In this paper, the environmental cost accounting and disclosure of China's petrochemical industry as a research center, and then combined with specific companies to illustrate. The literature research method, comparative analysis method and statistical analysis method of combining research methods, from the accounting of environmental accounting information disclosure and the related theory of the domestic and foreign environmental accounting information disclosure status of a detailed summary, and then put forward the petrochemical industry environmental cost accounting and disclosure of the present situation and the existing problems. Then the environmental cost accounting and disclosure of the Sinopec is analyzed, and finally the improvement suggestions are put forward on the accounting and disclosure of environmental costs in China's petrochemical industry from three aspects.

Keywords: Petrochemical industry;Environmental cost;Accounting;Disclosure

目 录

1绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2研究的目的与意义 1

1.3国内外研究综述 2

1.4研究的内容与方法 3

2 相关研究基础 5

2.1 环境成本基本概念及构成 5

2.2环境成本核算理论基础 6

2.3环境成本信息披露相关理论 7

3 石化行业环境成本核算及披露的现状与存在的问题 8

3.1 核算现状及问题 8

3.2 披露现状及问题 10

3.3 问题成因 10

4 案例分析——以中石化为例 11

4.1 企业概况 11

4.2 中石化环境成本核算现状与问题 11

4.3中石化企业环境成本披露现状及存在的问题 12

5 完善中石化环境成本核算和披露体系的建议 14

5.1 从政府层面 14

5.2 从企业层面 16

5.3 从第三方机构方面 18

研究结论 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 21








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