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新三板中小企业融资效率的分析 ——基于中讯四方的融资案例毕业论文

 2021-04-05 19:18:37  

摘 要






Our small and medium-sized enterprises account for more than 90% of the total, and small and medium-sized enterprises play an increasingly important role in Chinese economic development, but issues of financing of our remain outstanding.Because most small and medium enterprises are in the initial stage or the development period, their market risks are very large, and because the relevant financial institutions such as banks are more stringent in their loan conditions, it is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises to raise external capital. Therefore, the main financing way of small and medium enterprises is internal financing.

In order to solve the problem of financing problems for small and medium-sized enterprises, the new over-the-counter market has emerged.Its birth has provided a new financing choice for small and medium-sized enterprises.Some small and medium-sized enterprises are listed on the new over-the-counter market,and they mainly raise money through three channels: private placement, equity pledge and the issuance of private bonds. However, how about efficiency of their financing? This article will discuss it.

This paper first reviews the theory and literature on the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises on the new over-the-counter market,then combs the characteristics of Chinese new over-the-counter market and its financing status quo, and analyzes the problems of its financing function. This paper selects a typical technology-based enterprise, ZhongXunSiFang, and conduct some research on the financing case of ZhongXunSiFang.Firstly,this paper would introduce some basic information such as the operation situation, financing needs and financing status quo of the company,then the indicators are selected from three angles to evaluate the financing efficiency of the company, and finally the conclusion of its financing efficiency is obtained.Through the case study, this paper concludes that the financing efficiency of the ZhongXunSiFang is low. Most of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the new over-the-counter market are also similar to the situation of ZhongXunSiFang,and its financing efficiency is also low. Because of it, this paper analyzes its causes and gives relevant suggestions, and tries to provide reference for how to improve the financing efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises after landing on new over-the-counter market, and also provide reference for the improvement of China's OTC market.

Key Words: New OTC Market; Minor Enterprise; Financing Efficiency

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景以及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 理论和文献综述 2

1.2.1 国外相关研究 2

1.2.2 国内文献综述 2

1.3 融资效率概念的界定 3

1.4 研究的内容及方法 3

1.4.1 研究内容 3

1.4.2 研究方法 3

1.4.3 技术路线图 3

第二章 我国新三板发展及其中小企业的融资现状 5

2.1 新三板发展的历史沿革 5

2.2 新三板不断扩容 5

2.3 我国新三板的特点 6

2.4 我国新三板中小企业的融资方式 7

2.4.1 定向增发 7

2.4.2 股权质押融资 7

2.4.3 债券融资 7

2.5 我国新三板中小企业融资现状 8

2.6 新三板融资存在的问题 8

2.6.1 间接融资规模小 8

2.6.2 流动性较弱 9

第三章 案例介绍 11

3.1 中讯四方的简介 11

3.2 公司的发展历程 11

3.3 公司的财务分析 12

3.4 公司的融资需求与挂牌后的融资状况 13

3.4.1 资金困境及融资需求 13

3.4.2 公司在新三板挂牌后的融资状况 14

第四章 案例分析 15

4.1 交易效率角度的融资效率分析 15

4.1.1 短期成本 15

4.1.2 长期成本 15

4.1.3 融资速度 16

4.2 配置效率角度的融资效率分析 16

4.2.1 盈利能力 17

4.2.2 经营规模 18

4.2.3 现金流量 20

4.3 其他事项角度的融资效率分析 20

4.3.1 股权融资规模 20

4.3.2 资本结构 21

4.4结论 21

第五章 原因分析与建议 23

5.1 原因分析 23

5.2 建议 24

5.2.1 提高企业自身实力 24

5.2.2 改善中介活动 24

5.2.3 完善企业信息披露 24

5.2.4 设置差异化口槛 24

参考文献 26

致谢 27

第一章 绪论








  1. 分析中讯四方在新三板的融资过程中所出现的一些问题,并为其他在新三板上挂牌的企业提供一些建议,以提升新三板市场整体的融资效率。





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