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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-02-26 11:19:19  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

1.1 选题背景

随着经济的发展,社会的进步,中小企业在国民经济发展中的地位越来越重要,在吸纳劳动力、促进市场竞争、推动科技创新和经济发展等多方面发挥了不可替代的作用,并且对中国 gdp 的增长有很大的促进作用,据国家统计局公布的数据可知,当前中小企业的数量快速提升,已占到中国企业总数的 99%以上,对中国 gdp 的贡献超过 60%,税收收入占总税收的一半以上,解决了 80%以上的城镇就业问题,故中小企业已成为社会发展的主力军,中小企业发展的快慢与否以及中小企业是否健康有序的发展,已经成了影响整个经济社会发展的重要因素,它为社会的贡献度很大,也显现出了它存在的意义和重要性。

中小企业对经济发展的促进作用不言而喻,但其自身也存在诸多问题,诸如产品结构单一、财务机制不健全、人员管理混乱等,据统计,中国的银行对于中小企业的贷款支持仅占到全部贷款的 20%,由此可见,企业规模、社会贡献度与融资数量的不匹配存在着很多问题,中小企业在银行融资方面仍是弱势群体,面临着融资难、融资贵的问题,也制约着中小企业的健康发展。


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

2.1 基本内容
第1章 绪论
1.1 选题背景
1.2 选题目的及意义
1.3 国内外研究现状
1.4 研究内容与研究方法
第2章 中小企业信贷风险形成机理
2.1 中小企业信贷流程
2.2 中小企业信贷风险动因分析
2.3 中小企业信贷风险特征分析
第3章 中小企业信贷风险评价指标体系
3.1 盈利能力指标的选取
3.2 偿债能力指标的选取
3.3 经营能力指标的选取
3.4 发展能力指标的选取
3.5 宏观经济指标的选取
第4章 基于bp神经网络的信贷风险评价模型
4.1 信贷风险评价模型框架
4.2 信贷风险指标权重分析
4.3 bp神经网络参数的确定
4.4 信贷风险评价模型训练
第5章 案例研究
5.1 样本选取及数据获取
5.2 评价模型的应用
5.3 应用结果分析
2.2 技术方案及措施





3. 研究计划与安排


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] 龙正清. 我国商业银行中小企业信贷风险管理研究[J]. 金融经济:理论版, 2015(3):140-142.
摘要:在经济新常态下,我国的经济机构的调整和转型进入快车道.经济决 定金融,商业银行也需适应经济新常态,在经营理念的转变、经营行为的安全、经营机制的重构和金融风险的防范方面加快调整已势在必行.目前,国家的经济重点 是扶持中小企业发展,商业银行的信贷重点也摆在中小企业上,这种经济和金融的新常态决定了商业银行中小企业信贷风险管理的重要性,它直接关系着经济结构调 整和商业银行可持续发展的大局.本文通过对商业银行中小企业信贷风险现状及形成进行了分析,提出了中小企业信贷风险管理控制的相应措施和对策建议.
[2] 唐波. 基于神经网络模型的商业银行信贷风险研究 [J].征信,2016,(3):83-86.
[3] 马建峰. 商业银行中小企业信贷风险评估体系的构建[J]. 经营管理者, 2015(2).
[4] 江训艳. 基于 BP 神经网络的商业银行信用风险预警研究 [J].财经问题研究,2014,(5):46-48.
摘要:信用风险是指借款人没有能力或没有意愿按期还本付息而给贷款人造成损失的风险。传统的信用风险主要来自于商业银行的贷款业务,现代意义上的信用风险考虑到了风险环境的变化,不仅包括传统定义上的贷款违约风险也包括借款人违约可能性发生变化而给银行资产造成损失的风险。本文在研究目前较为流行的信用风险度量模型之后,提出 BP 神经网络预警系统来预警信用风险。
[5] 赵婷. 浅析我国中小企业信贷风险基本特征及防范对策[J]. 时代金融, 2015(3X):112-113.
[6] 景兆荣. 基于BP神经网络的商业银行信贷风险评价研究 [D].山西财经大学,2015.
[7] 王梦琪. 我国商业银行中小企业信贷风险成因分析及对策研究[D]. 浙江大学, 2015.
[8] Zhang Q amp; Liu T.N . A new credit risk assessment approach based on artificial neural network [J]. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research,2014, 6(6) :157-163
Abstract: For most credit risk assessment models, decision attributes and history data are of great importance in terms of accuracy of prediction. Decision attributes can be classified into two types: numerical and categorical. As these two types have different characteristics, there will be interference if they are used simultaneously in the same model. By applying the case based reasoning (CBR) and artificial neural network (ANN), this study attempts to use numerical and categorical attributes separately in different phases application of the model. For example, if numerical attributes are used in CBR to select similar cases, categorical attributes will be used as inputs of an ANN based on the cases selected. Therefore, interference caused by the different types of attributes is avoided and the accuracy is improved. As only similar history data are selected and input in the ANN, accuracy is improved further. With the idea above, a triple ANN-CBR model is designed in this paper. This model synthesizes advantages of CBR and ANN. Practical examples show that the model established in this paper is feasible and effective. Compared with other models, it has a better precision performance.
[9] 吴敬茹. 中小企业信贷风险评价指标体系构建[J]. 财会通讯, 2016(26):102-104.
摘要: 随着我国经济的高速发展,中小企业在促进国民经济增长、提供就业岗位、推动技术创新、保持社会稳定等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。中小企业将银行贷款作为重要融资渠道,银行如何对中小企业进行科学、客观的信贷风险评价,真实反映和预测其信贷风险状况非常重要。本文结合中小企业实际特点,对信贷风险评价指标体系进行修正,运用模糊层次分析法确定中小企业信贷风险评价指标的权重,最终构建一个科学合理的中小企业信贷风险评价指标体系。
[10] 李凌. 商业银行中小企业信贷风险控制研究--以中国工商银行重庆分行为例[D]. 西南财经大学, 2016.
[11] Zheng Z. The Impact of Electronic Banking on the Credit Risk of Commercial Banks —An Empirical Study Based on KMV Model [J]. Journal of Mathematical Finance,2016,(05):778-791
Abstract: Due to the birth of the age of Big Data and the development of Internet finance, electronic banking has been booming. With the application of descriptive statistics, KMV model, panel data regression and robustness testing, this paper examines the validity of KMV model as a measurement of the credit risk of financial institutions, and reveals the impact of electronic banking on the credit risk of commercial banks. The findings are as follows: First, the default distance based on the KMV model can well reflect the credit risk of banks; Second, the growing electronic banking may increase the credit risk, considering the lack of governmental and industrial regulation; At last, the credit risk of banks under different systems have their unique characteristics, so that a clearly defined division of responsibilities for risk control and supervision is needed.
[12] Fang K G, Huang H.Variable Selection for Credit Risk Model Using Data Mining technique[J].Journal of Computers,2012, Vol.6 (9), pp.1868-1874.
Abstract:With the emergence of the current financial crisis, societies see the increasing importance of credit risks management in financial institutions. Four mainstream credit risk rating models have been developed, however, their applicability in the Taiwan market is yet to be evaluated. In this paper, six major credit risk models, including Merton Option Pricing Model,Discriminant Analysis Model, Logistic Regression (Logit) Model, Probit Model, Survival Analysis Model, and Artificial Neural Network Model were examined, in order to identify the common variables applicable to each model. The common variables were then applied to each respective model directly. Using Transition Matrix and mapping methods to estimate long term default probability, for developing appropriate credit risk model with the estimated default probability.
[13] Zhang X.P. amp; Chen C.Research on Credit Risk Evaluation for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Supply Chain Based on BP Neural Network [J]. International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 2015, Vol.37 :213-217
Abstract:Abstract More attention to supply chain finance as a new form of financing channel is paid with the increasing highlight of the financing difficulty of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It is crucial for scientific and accurate risk assessment to control the control of the credit risk of supply chain finance. BP neural network model is used to open up a new way for credit risk assessment of SMEs based on the establishment and improvement of an index system of credit risk evaluation for SMEs. BP neural network model is a smart algorithm with self-learning and adaptive characteristics. The BP artificial neural network model was analyzed and detected in a practical case. The feasibility of the model was proved. The result is satisfactory. The model can be used to assess SMEs’ credit risk in the supply chain.
[14] Sousa, Marcos de Moraes, Figueiredo, Reginaldo Santana.Credit Analysis Using Data Mining: Appication in the Case of a Credit Union [J]. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management : JISTEM, 2014, Vol.11 (2), pp.379-396.
Abstract:The search for efficiency in the cooperative credit sector has led cooperatives to adopt new technology and managerial knowhow. Among the tools that facilitate efficiency, data mining has stood out in recent years as a sophisticated methodology to search for knowledge that is "hidden" in organizations' databases. The process of granting credit is one of the central functions of a credit union; therefore, the use of instruments that support that process is desirable and may become a key factor in credit management. The steps undertaken by the present case study to perform the knowledge discovery process were data selection, data pre-processing and cleanup, data transformation, data mining, and the interpretation and evaluation of results. The results were evaluated through cross-validation.
[15] 周飞. 商业银行中小企业信贷风险管理研究 -以A银行为例[D]. 山东财经大学, 2016.
[16] Mohammadi N. amp; Zangeneh M. Customer Credit Risk Assessment using Artificial Neural Networks [J]. I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, 2016, 3, 58-66.
Abstract:Since the granting of banking facilities in recent years has faced problems such as customer credit risk and affects the profitability directly, customer credit risk assessment has become imperative for banks and it is used to distinguish good applicants from those who will probably default on repayments. In credit risk assessment, a score is assigned to each customer then by comparing it with the cut-off point score which distinguishes two classes of the applicants, customers are classified into two credit statuses either a good or bad applicant. Regarding good performance and their ability of classification, generalization and learning patterns, Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network model trained using various Back-Propagation (BP) algorithms considered in designing an evaluation model in this study. The BP algorithms, Levenberg-Marquardt (LM), Gradient descent, Conjugate gradient, Resilient, BFGS Quasinewton, and One-step secant were utilized. Each of these six networks runs and trains for different numbers of neurons within their hidden layer. Mean squared error (MSE) is used as a criterion to specify optimum number of neurons in the hidden layer. The results showed that LM algorithm converges faster to the network and achieves better performance than the other algorithms. At last, by comparing classification performance of neural network with a number of classification algorithms such as Logistic Regression and Decision Tree, the neural network model outperformed the others in customer credit risk assessment. In credit models, because the cost that Type II error rate imposes to the model is too high, therefore, Receiver Operating Characteristic curve is used to find appropriate cut-off point for a model that in addition to high Accuracy, has lower Type II error rate.
[17] Khemakhem S.amp; Boujelbène Y. Credit risk prediction: A comparative study between discriminant analysis and the neural network approach [J]. Accounting and Management Information Systems, 2015, 14(1), 60-78.
Abstract:Banks are concerned with the assessment of the risk of financial distress before giving out a loan. Many researchers proposed the use of models based on the Neural Networks in order to help the banker better make a decision. The objective of this paper is to explore a new practical way based on the Neural Networks that would help the banker to predict the non payment risk the companies asking for a loan. This work is motivated by the insufficiency of traditional prevision models. The sample consists of 86 Tunisian companies and 15 financial ratios were calculated, over the period from 2005 to 2007. The results were compared with those of discriminant analysis. They show that the neural networks technique is more accurate in term of predictability.
[18] Asogbon G. amp; Samuel W. Comparative Analysis of Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Techniques in Credit Risk Evaluation [J]. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 2016, 12(1),47-62.
Abstract:Credit risk evaluation techniques that aid effective decisions in credit lending are of great importance to the financial and banking industries. Such techniques assist credit managers to minimize the risks often associated with wrong decision making. Several techniques have been developed in the time past for credit risk evaluation and these techniques suffer from one form of limitation or the other. Recently, powerful soft computing tools have been proposed for problem solving among which are the neural networks and fuzzy logic. In this study, a neural network based on back propagation learning algorithm and a fuzzy inference system based on Mamdani model were developed to evaluate the risk level of credit applicants. A comparative analysis of the performances of both systems was carried out and experimental results show that neural network with an overall prediction accuracy of 96.89% performed better than the fuzzy logic method with 94.44%. Finding from this study could provide useful information on how to improve the performance of existing credit risk evaluation systems.
[19] 王晓菲. BP 神经网络下商业银行绿色信贷风险评估研究 [D].天津理工大学,2015.
鉴于此,本文在文献研究的基础上构建绿色信贷风险评估的 BP 神经网络模型。首先建立绿色信贷风险评估的指标体系,以财务指标、非财务指标和环保指标作为一级指标,下设 30 个二级指标;其次,运用“3”法则对信贷风险标准进行定量判定,计算出贷款企业的信贷风险等级;再次,选取 56 家上市公司作为样本进行实证研究,对其财务指标进行正态性检验和显著性检验,对环保指标和非财务指标权重的判定采用网络分析法(ANP),之后根据专家打分得出个样本的得分,将三类指标进行因子分析,得到具有代表性的公共因子;最后,运用 MATLAB 软件对构建的 BP 神经网络进行仿真分析,得出预测结果,为信贷风险评估方法的选择与运用提供参考。同时,通过绿色信贷风险的评估体系可以提高贷前的分析效率,对企业风险程度进行评价和分级,清晰界定贷款企业所处的风险状况。通过运用一整套分析工具检测出各种潜在信贷风险,优化贷后管理技术。对那些风险上升幅度较大的企业,及时调整授信额度。
[20] 李岚. 中国商业银行中小企业信贷风险管理研究[J]. 经济视野, 2015(3):148-148.

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