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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2020-04-15 16:50:07  

摘 要


关键词 大数据 企业内部会计控制 机遇 挑战


With the development of cloud computing, Internet of things and mobile Internet, big data accelerates the quantization process in various fields, especially occupies an important position in enterprise economy. In the context of big data, internal accounting control of enterprises has gained greater convenience in space and time. For example, the control environment should be placed in the information age, and the control should be adopted in a more intelligent way to save material resources and financial resources, and the scope of internal control should be constantly rippled outward, so as to realize the focus and precision of control objects. However, enjoying the convenient of the era of large data at the same time, enterprises' internal accounting control also have to pay a big price, that is to say, to face such as to meet challenge their own company's internal financial data security and weak awareness leads to privacy concerns, its equipment and staff quality and demand does not match the information age, the management system is loose not tight and control mechanism is not perfect, lead to the internal accounting control system processing speed slowly, these problems forced the enterprises should take effective measures to realize smoothly under the background of big data development the basic purpose of profit.

Key words:big data ; enterprise internal accounting control ;opportunities; challenges


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2选题意义 1

(1)理论意义 1

(2)现实意义 1

1.3本课题要研究或解决的问题: 2

1.4本课题拟采用的研究手段(途径): 2

第二章 文献综述 2

第四章 大数据背景下企业内部会计控制面临的挑战 4

4.1可能将企业置于财务数据泄露的安全隐患中 4

4.2大企业内部会计信息化滞后于大数据技术 4

4.3管理体制相对随意使会计控制不规范 4

4.4会计控制效率下降 5

4.5大数据技术专业人才匮乏 5

第五章 大数据背景给企业内部会计控制带来新机遇 5

5.1将控制环境置于信息化时代 5

5.2促进控制方式的职能化 5

5.3内部控制范围的外延扩大。 6

5.4.很容易掌握控制焦点的精度。 6

第六章大数据背景下企业内部会计控制的策略和展望 6

6.1.确保安全规范风险 6

6.2.建立数据共享联盟 7

6.3. 优化建立大数据的财会一体化控制制度。 7

6.4.完善与提升企业内部会计工作机制设计方法 7

第七章 案例分析 8

第八章 结束语 10

参考文献 11

致 谢 13

第一章 绪论




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