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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-10-14 20:50:50  

摘 要






China is in the economic transition period,the goal is to move up the value chain in manufacturing,so technological innovation was given a cross-age significance,the high-tech enterprises are the main force of technological innovation,its research and development activities are the engine of the national scientific and technological innovation. For high-tech enterprises,research and development activities is the life of enterprises,high-tech industries have gradually realized the importance of research and development activities,increasing investment in research and development,so that it promotes industrial development.

The paper based on the life cycle theory,the cost characteristics and composition of cost management and high-tech research and development,analysis the status and the cause of cost management in high-tech enterprises,came up with putting life cycle cost management theory into research and development and design the creative cost management model,then this paper combined life cycle theory,defining life cycle as four parts:the planning stage,the design stage, trial phase,the production phase increment. And the cost functions of each part are established as standards to select the cost management methods,which are the target cost management,risk cost management,quality cost management and value chain management respectively. Finally, it took Huawei's research and development case for example,and tested the cost management, then specified the application of various methods of cost management.

The contribution of this paper is to combine the specific case study on application of life cycle cost management in research and development,integration of various management methods in the development lifecycle,and described the specific application system. The results of their research for cost management in research and development of large and medium sized high-tech enterprises in China has some significance.

Key Words:Life-Cycle Theory;High-Tech Enterprise;Research and Development Costs

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容与方法 5

第2章 相关研究基础 8

2.1 生命周期理论 8

2.2 成本管理理论与方法 9

2.3 研发成本的构成与特点 11

第3章 基于生命周期理论的研发成本管理模式 14

3.1 高新技术企业研发成本管理现状和成因分析 15

3.2 研发成本管理模式的提出 17

3.3 基于生命周期的研发成本管理模式集成 25

第4章 案例分析 30

4.1 华为简介 30

4.2 华为研发成本管理现状 30

4.3 华为研发成本管理的生命周期理论应用 33

4.4 案例结果分析 51

第5章 结论与展望 53

5.1 研究结论 53

5.2 研究展望 53

参考文献 55

致谢 58

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的与意义

1.1.1 研究目的

十八大报告提出了创新驱动发展战略,中国要在2020年进入创新性国家行列,2030年要进入创新型国家前列,2050年要建成世界科技创新强国。中国已将科技创新作为了战略目标,将科技创新作为提高社会生产力与综合国力的战略支撑。在我国,研发活动的重要性已不容忽视。从高新技术产业的角度来看,科技创新是高新技术企业的核心竞争力,高新技术企业也逐渐意识到了研发活动的重要性。据《中国高技术产业统计年鉴2015年》公布,2014年大中型高新技术企业投入到新产品开发中的费用达2350.6万元,相比2013年增加了281.1万元,增长了13.6%,2013年及2012年的增幅分别为13.2%和19.6%。由此可见高新技术企业的研发成本投入一直在稳定增长,但是另一方面来看,虽然高新技术企业不断增加新产品研发成本的支出,但其与新产品的销售收入的配比情况却不尽如人意。 从2011年到2014年,大中型高新技术企业新产品研发支出与收入的比例分别为7.50%、7.69%、7.13%和7.16%。可以看出,尽管高新技术企业加大了研发成本的投入力度,却并未显著改善成本收益比,甚至成本收益比还有些许下滑。所以,高新技术企业应关注研发成本的管理,使得企业的投入能够得到相应的成效。


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