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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-03-22 22:55:08  

摘 要






The new industrial ecology has become the new value chain network with the change of science and technology and the development of the Internet. The emergence and development of new industrial ecology has provided a good development direction for many enterprises. However, due to the immaturity of the development of the new industrial ecology model, the complexity and challenge of the external environment and the ambition of wanting to develop rapidly, the financial problem and the financial crisis have become the common problems faced by many enterprises. In November 2016, Le Watch Network Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Le Watch Network) was exposed to the capital chain crisis, and then according to the analysis of the financial reports of Le Watch Network in recent years, we have found that Le Watch Network has serious financial problems in its capital, profit and other aspects. The bold exploration of the development of ecological model and the capital chain problem caused by its rapid expansion make Le Watch Network become a representative enterprise in this development mode.

Based on the analysis of the new industry ecology and the analysis of the characteristics of its capital chain, this paper uses the case analysis method to study the financial crisis of Le Watch Network with profit data, cash flow data, assets and liabilities structure, financial statement's footnote and major transactions in recent 4 years’ financial reports. The results show that there are unreasonable factors in the choice of financing structure, cash flow decision and development strategy, so that there is a huge risk in terms of cash flow, capital structure and profitability. And on the basis of the reasons found in Le Watch Network for the financial problems there arises some corresponding measures to prevent and solve. The results of the study are of great significant for enterprises to choose appropriate expansion and financial strategies to expand in the direction of new industrial ecology, and give many enterprises a correct respond to financial crisis.

The characteristics of this paper: based on the development model of new industrial ecology, pay attention to the analysis of the capital chain and financial problems of the new industrial ecology, and select the representative enterprises in this model as the case to study.

Key words: new industrial ecology, capital chain, Enterprise expansion, financial crisis




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第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究的主要内容和方法 5

第2章 新型产业生态商业模式及其资金链特征 7

2.1 新型产业生态的界定 7

2.2新型产业生态商业模式特征 8

2.3 新型产业生态资金链特征 9

第3章 新型产业生态商业模式的财务危机现状分析 11

3.1乐视生态化反商业模式简介 11

3.2 乐视生态化反商业模式存在财务危机 11

3.3 乐视生态化反商业模式财务危机的形成机理分析 16

第4章 新型产业生态模式财务危机的防控与应对 21

4.1财务危机的防控 21

4.2财务危机的应对 24

结束语 27

参考文献 28

致 谢 30

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的和意义


在高新技术水平和互联网技术快速革新的时代,爆发了新型产业生态和互联网思维下的商业创新模式。新型产业生态模式以一种新兴的,创新的, 高级的形态出现在当下的经济背景中,涌现出来一批对该生态模式进行探索的企业,然而这种新兴模式的发展还处于初级阶段,相关法律法规和政策体系的缺乏,国内资本市场发展的低水平,外部环境的复杂性,使得众多企业在发展扩张初期面临着严峻的财务境况。乐视企业在这种产业模式革新的潮流中从原有的“内容+终端+平台+应用”的垂直生态模式,逐渐迈向一个开放且相互间具有极强化反效应的乐视生态帝国,成为互联网变革时代中新型商业模式的代表。然而早在2016年媒体探访乐视控股的FaradayFuture拉斯维加斯超级汽车工厂时就发现工厂呈现出的一派荒凉的景象,联系到乐视股票的多次停牌以及传出供应链欠款的消息,到贾跃亭发出公开信承认资金紧张,乐视产业扩张的资金链问题已经部分暴露。本文试图通过对新型产业生态模式下具有代表性的企业——乐视网的财务危机进行研究,找出新型产业生态发展和扩张的问题所在,并结合现有的理论知识对这种新型产业发展模式下资金链问题的改善和解决提出可持续性建议,避免在该生态模式下进行探索的企业出现愈演愈烈的财务问题对公司造成难以挽回的后果。


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