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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2021-03-16 22:50:11  

摘 要





As a new type of enterprise financial management model, Financial sharing service center can improve financial management and efficiency, reduce operating costs and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises obviously. Over the past decade, financial Shared services center has made great progress in our country, but overall our application about it is still in infancy stage. Our understanding and practice experience about it are insufficient, therefore, the study of its application has very important practical significance.

This article focuses on the application of financial sharing service center,including six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction section, which expounds the purpose and meaning of the research in this paper, the present situation of domestic and foreign studies, and the research content and methods of this article. The second chapter introduces the relevant concepts of financial sharing service center, the origin and development and operation mode, intended to increase the understanding of the financial sharing service center. The third chapter analyzes the necessity of its application combining the new development needs of the enterprise group and advantages of financial sharing service center. In the fourth chapter, it is mainly analyzed the current application status and the existing problems in our country. The fifth chapter according to the current situation and existing problems put forward some application Suggestions, so as to provide the reference for the enterprises who are implementing FSCC or not yet. In the last chapter, the full paper is summarized, and the future development trend of FSCC and the shortcomings in the course of writing are also included.

Key Words: Financial sharing, Service center, Financial management

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3研究内容与方法 2

第2章 财务共享服务中心概述 4

2.1财务共享服务中心相关概念 4

2.2财务共享服务中心的起源与发展 4

2.3财务共享服务中心的作用 5

2.4财务共享服务中心的运行模式 6

第3章 财务共享服务中心应用的必要性 7

3.1 集团企业发展的新需求 7

3.2财务共享服务中心的优势分析 8

第4章 财务共享服务中心的应用现状 10

4.1 应用概况 10

4.2 应用中存在的问题 15

第5章 财务共享服务中心应用的建议 18

5.1对企业的建议 18

5.2对财务人员的建议 19

第6章 总结与展望 21

6.1小结 21

6.2本文存在的不足 21

6.3财务共享服务中心未来发展趋势 21

参考文献 22

致 谢 23

第1章 绪论





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