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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 思想政治教育 > 正文


 2021-12-13 20:27:55  


摘 要




Xi jinping, general secretary of the ideological and political theory course in the national school teacher symposium delivered an important speech, combing the ideological and political theory course education play an important role in teenagers grow up, how to strengthen the relationship with the students and teachers, put forward the methodology of "eight unifies", the unity of teacher dominance and student subjectivity became one of the difficult point of ideological and political education work. The rapid spread of COVID-19 in 2020 has severely affected the academic performance of college students. In response to the call of the spirit of "stop classes and stay in school" of the ministry of Education, colleges and universities have begun to explore new ways of online teaching. On the one hand, the addition of new network media enables teachers to enrich their teaching content, diversify their teaching methods and improve their teaching effect. On the other hand, the virtual world cannot guarantee the autonomy and enthusiasm of students, and the guidance role of schoolteachers cannot be fully implemented. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to give full play to the unity of teacher dominance and student subjectivity in the context of the epidemic. This study focuses on the unified relationship between teacher dominance and student subjectivity in the course of lt;Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and The Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese characteristicsgt;, according to the questionnaire, the existing problems are summarized, including the obstacles existing in mentors' teaching initiative play, the factors affecting pupils' learning initiative play, and the negative influence of network new media, etc., and feasible paths and suggested measures are proposed, so as to fully promote the unification of teachers' dominance and students' subjectivity.

Key words: COVID-19;dominance;subjectivity;unified path


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究现状 1

1.1.1 国外研究现状 1

1.1.2 国内研究现状 2

1.2 研究意义 3

1.3 研究目的 3

1.4 研究内容 3

1.5 研究方法 4

1.6 研究创新 4

1.7 研究思路 4

1.8 调查问卷设计与回收 5

第2章 高校思政课主导性与主体性相统一的内涵 6

2.1 高校思政课主导性与主体性相统一的背景 6

2.2 高校思政课主导性与主体性相统一的内涵 7

第3章 高校思政课主导性与主体性相统一存在的问题 10

3.1 教师主导性发挥存在的问题 10

3.2 学生主体性发挥存在的问题 11

3.3 网络媒介对思政课主导性与主体性相统一的不利影响 13

第4章 新冠疫情下高校思政课主导性与主体性相统一对策研究 15

4.1主导性与主体性相统一需要充分发挥教师主导性 15

4.1.1 教师进行理论知识的传授 15

4.1.2 教师进行道德素质的教育 15

4.1.3 教师帮助学生巩固价值观 16

4.1.4 教师引导学生培养能力 16

4.2 主导性与主体性相统一需要充分发挥学生主体性 16

4.2.1 充分调动大学生学习的兴趣 16

4.2.2 促进大学生对思政课思想上的接纳 17

4.2.3 提高大学生对思政课的情感认同 18

4.2.4 促进大学生对思政课的价值内化 19

4.3 主导性与主体性相统一需要以立德树人为目的 19

4.3.1 坚持马克思主义的指导地位 19

4.3.2 营造全员育人的良好环境 19

4.4 主导性与主体性相统一需要以多样化教学方式为媒介 19

结束语 21

参考文献 22

致谢 24

附录 25

第1章 绪论


1.1.1 国外研究现状




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