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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 思想政治教育 > 正文


 2021-12-13 20:32:21  


摘 要







The cultivation of innovation quality of college students is an inevitable choice to enhance the innovation ability of college students and improve the quality of higher education. It is also a higher requirement of the times for talent training. Based on the current choice of university education in my country, this article analyzes the main problems and causes of college students 'innovative quality cultivation, explores measures for college students' innovative quality cultivation, and provides feasible ideas.

This article mainly conducts research through literature analysis and questionnaire survey. During the research, it is found that the overall innovation quality of contemporary college students is low, there are deficiencies in innovation knowledge, innovation consciousness, innovation ability and innovation perseverance, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. Colleges and universities play a certain role in the cultivation of college students' innovative qualities, but there are still deficiencies, such as the lack of a good atmosphere for the cultivation of innovative qualities, the lack of a scientific innovative quality cultivation system and innovation incentive mechanism, the lack of material guarantees for innovative quality cultivation, and the neglect Cultivation of innovation perseverance of college students.

After analysis, it is found that the causes of these problems mainly lie in the following five aspects, namely, the impact of traditional examination-oriented education, the disadvantages of the backward management system of colleges and universities, the impact of ignoring the personality appeal of college students, the lack of social employment mechanisms and incentive mechanisms, and the inertia and innovation of college students themselves Consciousness is not strong.

In response to the above problems and causes, it is recommended that college students continue to accumulate and strengthen basic knowledge, cultivate scientific learning habits and thinking habits, actively participate in innovative practice activities, and hone innovation perseverance, etc .; Colleges and universities should pay attention to the construction of campus spiritual culture, optimize campus material culture, strengthen the construction of institutional culture, and attach importance to the construction of behavior culture, so as to further promote the cultivation of College Students' innovative quality and cultivate more innovative talents.

Key Words:the college students;innovative quality;campus culture

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的和意义 1

1.3 研究方法 2

第2章 大学生创新素质概述 3

2.1 大学生创新素质的内涵 3

2.2 大学生创新素质的构成 3

2.3 大学生创新素质培育的必要性 4

2.3.1 对于个体生命和谐发展具有积极意义 4

2.3.2 对于提高高等教育质量具有积极意义 4

2.3.3 对于促进国家未来建设事业具有积极意义 4

第3章 大学生创新素质培育现状分析 6

3.1 调查基本情况 6

3.2 调查结果分析 6

3.2.1 大学生创新素质现状 7

3.2.2 高校针对大学生的创新素质培育现状 10

3.3 存在的主要问题 14

3.3.1 大学生创新素质存在的问题 15

3.3.2 高校在大学生创新素质培育中的问题 15

3.4 问题产生的原因 16

3.4.1 传统应试教育思想的影响 16

3.4.2 高校部分管理体制落后的影响 17

3.4.3 忽视大学生个性诉求的影响 17

3.4.4 社会用人机制和激励机制欠缺的影响 17

3.4.5 大学生自身惰性和创新意识不强的影响 18

第4章 大学生创新素质培育对策 19

4.1大学生个人提升自身创新素质的对策 19

4.1.1 坚持终生学习,积极夯实基础知识 19

4.1.2 养成科学的学习习惯和思考习惯 19

4.1.3 积极参与创新实践活动,锻炼创新能力 19

4.1.4 自律坚持,磨炼创新毅力 20

4.2高校加强大学生创新素质培育的对策 20

4.2.1 重视精神文化建设,为创新素质培育营造良好氛围 20


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