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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 思想政治教育 > 正文


 2021-02-27 14:18:23  

摘 要


关键词: 鲁西北;新农村;文化建设


The "new rural culture" is a kind of new rural culture which is different from the urban culture and the traditional rural culture. It is a kind of colorful culture with positive energy and progress with the people. The construction of a new socialist countryside is the inherent requirement of building a well-off society in an all-round way. It is a magnificent move to realize the coordinated development of economic civilization, political civilization and cultural civilization. But at the same time, China's new rural culture construction on the impoverished, formalized trend, the mainstream consciousness and excellent traditional culture is fading out of rural areas, capital investment, government reconstruction, light management and so on a series of problems, making the new Rural cultural construction more and more become a new rural construction on the lag. Through the investigation and research in this paper, we focus on the problems in the cultural construction of rural areas in the northwest of Shandong province, the way to reform the life style of the peasant masses and improve the quality of their spiritual life, and how the government can play a guiding role in the cultural construction For the construction of new rural culture in China to make recommendations. In the process of building a new rural culture, it is necessary to actively play the leading role of the government, but also pay attention to the main role of the masses of farmers, while innovative cultural management mechanism, explore the new path of cultural construction.

Key words: northwest of Shandong; new rural culture; construction

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2研究内容 1

1.3国内外研究现状 1

1.4研究方法 2

第二章 新农村文化建设概述 3

2.1新农村文化的概念界定 3

2.2新农村文化建设重要性 3

2.2.1是全面建成农村小康社会的重要内容 3

2.2.2有利于营造文明的社会风尚 4

2.2.3是农村经济发展的重要保证 4

第三章 鲁西北新农村文化建设现状 5

3.1山东省文化建设投入情况 5

3.2鲁西北各县市的文化建设投入与文化活动开展情况 5

3.2.1聊城市文化建设投入与文化活动开展情况 5

3.2.2德州市文化建设投入与文化活动开展情况 5

3.2.3滨州市文化建设投入与文化活动开展情况 6

3.3农民文化需求的近几年的发展变化情况 6

3.3.1农民文化生活境界提高 6

3.3.2农民文化需求猛涨 6

3.4鲁西北文化建设中存在的不足与问题 7

3.4.1农民对农村文化建设了解程度不够,宣传效率低下 7

3.4.2农村文化设施数量不足,且存在破损老化现象 7

3.4.3农村尚存在着不良文化现象 7

3.4.4农村文化建设人员不足,素质不够 8

第四章 加强鲁西北新农村文化建设的建议 9

4.1在思想认识上,政府应转变思想,高度重视 9

4.2在基础设施配套上,政府要加大财政投资扶持力度 9

4.3在人员建设上,政府应做好引导工作 9

4.4在文化活动发展上,政府要做好保护与推进工作 9

4.5在媒介宣传上,政府应创新方式,与时俱进 9

4.6农民群众要发挥好文化建设的主体作用 10

结语 11

参考文献 12

附录A 关于鲁西北新农村文化建设的调查问卷 13

附录B关于鲁西北农村文化建设的问卷调查报告 15

致谢 20

第一章 绪论

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