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 2022-03-04 21:04:59  


摘 要




关键词:网络游戏 网游产业 网游消费

The Investigation and Analysis on College Students Online Game Consumption


Since the late 1990 s, network game gradual popularization and generalization.Network game can make a lot of players gathered in a interactive platform, let people on the platform fully show themselves, people in online game in order to get a real life cannot get satisfaction, often there is a kind of impulse spending.Because college students in network game audience accounts for a large part of proportion, so college students is a big branch of online consumer team main force.So I think the college students' consumption in online games of all kinds of things are very necessary.

Choose to college students as the research object, this paper discusses college students' online consumption.Paper first analyzes the domestic and foreign research situation about network game, then respectively in this paper, the network game and online game industry business model, analyzes the present situation of college students online consumption, and in the form of a questionnaire survey of college students online consumer survey, the data were collected for analysis.

Paper based on the preliminary analysis of present college students online consumption, find out the college students online consumer preferences and general law.On this basis, based on the perspective of online game development company, for the college students online consumption accordingly game development adjustment, put forward the corresponding countermeasures, in order to realize the online game development company and mutual benefit and win-win results of college students, at the same time give college students online spending some pertinent advice.

Key Words: Online game; Online game industry; online game consumption

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 导论 1

1.1论文研究背景 1

1.2 论文研究目的及意义 1

1.3国内外研究综述 2

1.3.1国内研究综述 2

1.3.2国外研究综述 3

1.4论文研究内容与方法 3

1.4.1 研究内容 3

1.4.2 研究方法 4

1.4.3 研究框架 5

第二章 网络游戏及其商业模式 6

2.1网络游戏的概述 6

2.1.1网络游戏的定义 6

2.1.2网络游戏的特点 6

2.1.3 网络游戏的发展现状 6

2.2网游产业的商业模式 7

2.2.1网游产业的收费模式 8

2.2.2网游产业的营销模式 8

第三章 大学生网游消费影响分析 10

3.1大学生网游消费产品分析 10

3.1.1 虚拟物品 10

3.1.2 代练 10

3.1.3 辅助产品 10

3.1.4 周边产品 11

3.2大学生网游消费影响因素分析 12

3.2.1 内部影响因素 12

3.2.2 外部影响因素 12

第四章 在校大学生网游消费调查与结果分析 14

4.1问卷设计与发放 14

4.1.1 调查的目的 14

4.1.2 问卷的设计 14

4.1.3 问卷的发放 14

4.2数据整理与分析 15

4.2.1 被调查者基本情况分析 15

4.2.2 被调查者对网游的看法 17

4.2.3大学生的网游消费观 23

4.3 本章小结 28

第五章 结论 29

5.1 对游戏开发公司的建议 29

5.1.1 游戏开发方面 29

5.1.2 游戏推广方面 29

5.2 对网游消费者的建议 30

5.3对高校管理者的建议 30

参考文献 32

附录 34

致谢 37

第一章 导论




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