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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 思想政治教育 > 正文


 2021-12-13 20:29:33  


摘 要




The new political party system of our country is a political party system which adapts to the development direction of our country from the actual situation of our country. It has a very profound impact on the social and political stability of China. The practical results show that the Communist Party of China has a very strong adaptability. Since the reform and opening up, the Communist Party of China has shown outstanding continuity and stability both at home and abroad. By analyzing the relationship between the new political party system and political stability, this paper finds that the new political party system in China promotes political stability through the integration of social resources and the implementation of socialist democratic system. All parties in China are friendly, cooperative and non competitive. This kind of relationship of mutual cooperation and supervision creates a good political environment. The Communist Party of China and other political parties represent the interests of the broad masses of the people, which lays the foundation for the legitimacy of the political system. The new political party system has a very strong adaptability, which can be aimed at the emerging We should respond to social conflicts in time, resolve them quickly and promote political stability.

Key words: new party system; political stability; multi-party cooperation system

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的目的和重要性 1

1.1.1 研究的目的 1

1.1.2 研究的重要性 1

1.2 国内外研究现状分析 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

1.2.3 国内现状研究述评 4

1.3 研究目标及内容 4

1.3.1 目标 4

1.3.2 内容 4

第2章 中国新型政党制度维护社会稳定的现状研究 5

2.1 新型政党制度的内涵 5

2.1.1 中国政党制度的基本内涵 5

2.2 新型政党制度的特征 6

2.2.1 体现人民主权的本质 6

2.2.2 是一种非竞争性政党制度. 7

第3章 新型政党制度对维护社会稳定的作用研究 8

3.1 新型政党制度的政治稳定功能 8

3.1.1 通过社会整合促进政治稳定 8

3.1.2 通过实行社会主义民主促进政治稳定 9

第4章 新型政党制度和政治稳定的关系 11

4.1 中国新型政党制度促进政治稳定的机制 11

4.1.1 广泛的代表性奠定了深厚的合法性基础 11

4.1.2 充分的回应性使社会矛盾得以及时解决 12

4.1.3 非竞争性的政党关系创造了和谐的政治环境 13

第5章 我国新型政党制度的运行机制 14

5.1 新型政党制度存进政治稳定的成效 14

5.1.1 政治稳定保障了经济稳定、快速发展 14

5.1.2 稳定和谐的政党关系推进了政治民主进程 14

5.1.3稳定的政治生态促进了社会主义文化繁荣 15

5.1.4 政治稳定促进了社会和谐 15

第6章 结论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的和重要性

1.1.1 研究目的


1.1.2 研究的重要性


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