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 2021-03-10 23:25:23  

摘 要


研究结果表明:“三权分置”对土地股份合作社的影响机制分为 “明晰农民土地产权——提升农户与金融机构对土地的双向预期——实现土地股份合作社抵押土地经营权贷款——优化农村生产要素、资本要素、劳动力要素等多种要素配置”四步。通过完善“三权分置”之后相关的法律法规、健全土地经营权抵押贷款机制,有利于盘活农村土地资源,实现农村生产要素和资本要素的互通,促进现代化农业的发展。




The academia has carried on the thorough research to the rural land joint stock cooperatives, at present, the research about the land stock cooperatives mostly concentrates on the power and function, the form and characteristics of the operation, the development bottleneck and so on. However, from the "three rights division " perspective, study how to break the bottleneck of the development of land stock cooperatives, and solve the difficulties of capital elements in the process of development, which is of great significance to enrich the academic view of the impact of the three right division on the capital factors of land stock cooperatives and to promote the practice of land stock cooperatives. Based on the theory of property right and the method of literature research and typical investigation, this paper collects the current situation of the policy of "three rights division", the present situation of the development of land stock cooperative and the activation of rural capital. Then, the capital bottleneck and its origin, the current solution path and its limitations, and the capital bottleneck and its origin, the current solution path and its limitations, and the prerequisite and strategy of "three right division" to promote the land stock cooperatives are studied.

The research results show that: The influence mechanism of “three rights division”on land stock cooperatives is divided into four step :clear land property rights -- to promote two-way expectations of farmers and financial institutions of land -- land stock cooperatives mortgage land management right loan——Optimize the allocation of rural production factors, capital factors, labor factors and other factors. By perfecting the relevant laws and regulations after the "three rights division" and improving the mortgage mechanism of land management right, it is beneficial to revitalize the rural land resources, realize the interflow of rural production factors and capital elements, and promote the development of modern agriculture.

The characteristics of this article are as follows: this paper studies the root of the predicament of capital element in the development of the land stock cooperative, and analyzes the principle of solving the capital bottleneck of land share cooperative by "three right division", which is an innovation of view.

Key Words:three rights division;land stock cooperative;capital element

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 2

1.2国内外研究现状及述评 2

1.2.1国外研究现状及述评 2

1.2.2国内研究现状及述评 3

1.3创新之处、方法和技术路线 5

1.3.1创新之处 5

1.3.2研究方法 5

1.3.3技术路线 6

第二章 概念界定、理论基础与理论框架 7

2.1概念界定 7

2.1.1三权分置 7

2.1.2农民专业合作社 7

2.1.3土地股份合作社 7

2.2理论基础——产权理论 8

2.3理论框架 9

第三章 农村土地股份合作社运营存在的困境分析 10

3.1土地股份合作社的发展困境 10

3.1.1现代生产经营方式对资本要素的大量诉求 10

3.1.2卡夫丁峡谷:现行融资方式难以逾越的障碍 11

3.2 制度性障碍:“两权分离”对土地股份合作社融资的限制 12

3.2.1 时代的产物:“两权分离”的产生 13

3.2.2 历史的必然:“两权分离”的消逝 13

第四章 “三权分置”对土地股份合作社的影响机制 14

4.1权利的二次解放:从“两权分离”到“三权分置” 14

4.2“三权分置”对土地股份合作社的影响机制分析 14

4.2.1明晰农地产权:资本要素融通困境的理论扫除 15

4.2.2 抵押经营权贷款:资本要素融通困难的实践路径 15

第五章 “三权分置”促进土地股份合作社发展的前提与策略 17

5.1土地股份合作社利用土地经营权融资的前提和保障 17

5.1.1土地股份合作社利用土地经营权融资的适用边界 17

5.1.2土地股份合作社利用土地经营权融资的实践保障 17

5.2“三权分置”影响土地股份合作社融资过程中存在的问题 18

5.2.1权利属性存在争议 18

5.2.2抵押物的评估和处置面临困难 18

5.3“三权分置”影响土地股份合作社融资问题的应对策略 19

5.3.1明确界定土地经营权的物权属性 19

5.3.2健全土地经营权抵押贷款机制 20

结论 22

致谢 23

参考文献 24

第一章 绪论



土地股份合作社对农业现代化的发展有多大作用?对于这个问题,2017年中央一号文件 [1]提出“积极发展适度规模经营……通过经营权流转、股份合作等多种方式,加快发展土地流转型、服务带动型等多种形式规模经营”。近些年,我国在农业转方式、调结构、促改革等方面积极探索,为农业转型升级奠定了一定的基础,但是农业要素配置不合理、农民收入乏力等问题仍然困扰着农业发展。深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革,是顺应新形势新要求的必然选择。其中,积极发展适度规模经营,发展土地股份合作社,对加快培育农业农村发展新动能,开创农业现代化建设新局面发挥着重大作用。





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