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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 思想政治教育 > 正文


 2020-04-13 11:21:52  

摘 要











Emotional expression is a barometer that reflects public opinion. In the era of big data, people’s Internet behavior became more prominent, and the political sensibilities of the Internet were increasingly valued. Internet political lyricism is the appeal of the people’s political interests and is a manifestation of the political attitude of the people.

Internet politics has two aspects of public sentiment. On the one hand, citizens tend to use the Internet to express opinions and express political demands in light of the fast and anonymous nature of the Internet. Therefore, smoothing redient’s network political public opinion platform helps citizens to express their views on the current government.Deliberate views on current politics and actively adopt reasonable political actions. On the other hand, the abnormal development of cyber political lyricism or the use of bad intentions will trigger a public opinion crisis, threaten political stability, and cause social unrest. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the political public opinion of the Internet and discuss the scientific governance measures.

This article tries to analyze the political opinion of cyber politics from the perspective of communication science, mainly from four aspects:

The first chapter mainly analyzes the research status of the topic, and then puts forward the purpose of this study.

The second part ,mainly discusses the concept and characteristics of cyberpolitical public opinion, and understands cyberpolitics public opinion more clearly through comparison with cyberpolitical public opinion;

The third part, mainly from the theory of communication, based on the "red, blue, and blue child abuse incidents in kindergartens" as the basic point to study the process of dissemination, the communication stage and the influencing factors of cyberpolitical public opinion. Through the analysis of these contents, the process of the dissemination of cyber political opinion is summarized. Existing problems;

In the fourth part, on the basis of the above issues, we will explore the governance measures of cyberpolitical public opinion by analyzing the hot public opinion events in recent years.

Through the research and analysis of this article, it seeks to guide the healthy dissemination of political lyrics on the Internet and brings into play the role of cyber political opinion in promoting scientific decision-making and democratic politics.

Key words: Big data; Internet political opinion; public opinion transmission;

public opinion governance


第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及研究意义 1

1.1.1选题背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2研究现状 1

1.2.1关于网络政治舆情特征的研究 2

1.2.2关于网络政治舆情作用的研究 2

1.2.3关于网络政治舆情传播机制的研究 2

1.2.4关于网络政治舆情治理机制的研究 3

1.3研究方法 3

1.4研究难点及可能的创新点 4

第2章 网络政治舆情概述 5

2.1 相关概念的界定 5

2.1.1舆情的概念解析 5

2.1.2网络舆情的概念解析 5

2.1.3网络政治舆情的概念解析 5

2.2网络政治舆情与网络政治舆论的联系与区别 5

2.3大数据时代网络政治舆情的特征 6

2.3.1政治性突出 6

2.3.2草根性明显 7

2.3.3现实批判性强 7

2.3.4群体极化性凸显 7

2.3.5表达方式多元化 7

2.3.6网民利益选择性特征显现 7

2.4大数据时代网络政治舆情的政治功能 8

2.4.1大数据时代网络政治舆情的正面功能 8

2.4.2大数据时代网络政治舆情的负面功能 8

第3章 网络政治舆情传播机制研究——以“红黄蓝事件”为例 9

3.1“红黄蓝事件”简介 9

3.2网络政治舆情传播的构成要素 9

3.3网络政治舆情传播的过程及周期 10

3.3.1自由表达诉求:网络政治舆情传播的过程 11

3.3.2多元传播诉求:网络政治舆情传播的周期 12

3.4政治利益诉求:网络政治舆情传播的驱动力 15

3.5政民互动消极:网络政治舆情传播存在的问题 16

3.5.1 政府舆情应对态度消极 16

3.5.2公民政治情感消极 17

第4章 政民协同治理:网络政治舆情的治理机制 19

4.1构建政府网络政治舆情应对体系:积极舆情回应 19

4.1.1转变舆情应对态度 20

4.1.2加大政府信息公开力度 21

4.1.3优化政务新媒体 21

4.2提高公民政治素养:理性传播政治舆情 22

4.2.1提升公民舆情治理主体意识 24

4.2.2培养公民政治理性 24

4.2.3提高公民政治信任度 24

4.2.4增强公民法律意识 24

结论 25

致谢 26

参考文献 27

第1章 绪论







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