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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2022-02-13 20:41:55  


摘 要



关键词 :违章搭建 农村 法律社会学

The problem of rural illegal construction from the perspective of legal sociology


Nanjing Jiangning Economic Development Zone has a large number of rural land, There is a phenomenon of illegal construction in this area. With the rapid development of Jiangning district, how to solve the problem of rural illegal construction has become a top priority of the government departments and local residents. On the one hand, the local government is used to the original extensive management mode, how to meticulous management is its predicament. On the other hand, farmers are optimistic about Jiangning district economy and the expectation of the future government to develop this area, which lead to the phenomenon of villagers' scale and collective violation.

In the current research, for the problem of rural illegal construction, most scholars take the law as the theoretical perspective to analyze, and the research from the perspective of legal sociology is rare. However, due to the limitations of this issue from the perspective of law, the study of the social root causes of the problem of rural illegal construction has not been studied in the past. The author believes that the problem of rural illegal construction, need to use the theory perspective for research point, can thoroughly solve this problem. Through the perspective of legal sociology, this paper uses literature review and statistical analysis to analyze the relevant cases of rural illegal construction in Jiangning district of Nanjing city, to find out the causes of illegal building and its relationship with the social structure of the legal system in China. This paper will focus on the rural illegal supervision and the management of residential sites, put forward the feasibility of strengthening law enforcement supervision, upgrading the level of residential land management, and then achieve the ultimate goal of effective management of rural illegal problems.

Key word: Illegal construction;Countryside ; Sociology of law


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

(一)研究背景意义 1

(二)国内外研究概况 2

(三)研究方法 3

第二章 江宁区农村违建状况 4

(一)江宁区农村违建状况 4

1.违法建房总数增多 4

2.村干部、政府工作人员带头违建 4

3.一户多宅现象普遍 5

4.法律执行力度不够 5

5.耕地侵占现象严重 5

(二)本章小结 5

第三章 江宁区农村违法建房原因分析 7

(一)法律意识层面 7

1.保护耕地意识淡薄 7

2.法不责众心理 7

(二)我国法律执行监管层面 7

1.违建界定困难,违建拆除困难 7

2.现行违建法律惩处力度薄弱,违建利润高 8

3.村委会未尽到管理义务 8

(三)国家权力层面 8

(四)我国传统文化层面 9

第四章 农村违建问题的化解策略 10

(一)树立耕地保护意识,明确土地利用途径 10

(二)重新定位政府角色,合理使用国家权力 10

(三)构建司法公信力,加强法制宣传 10

(四)加大法律惩罚力度与监管力度 10

(五)加大执法力度 11

(六)以“交往理性”为指导完善法律建设 11

(七)解决我国传统文化遗留问题 11

(八)赋予村委会和村民监管的权力 11

(九)科学规划土地 11

结论 13

建议 14

参考文献 15

致谢 17

第一章 绪论




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