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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 电子商务 > 正文


 2022-05-21 22:22:29  


摘 要




关键词:电子商务 网上超市 大学生 消费情况 营销方案

Investigation and Analysis of Consumer Situation of College Students in Online Supermarket


With the rapid development of e-commerce and information technology, "online shopping" has been penetrated into people's daily life. At the same time, along with the supermarket retail industry and the increasing maturity of the integration of e-commerce, online supermarket also got rapid development and it has been the main form of e-commerce. College students are the "main force" in online shopping, and also important consumer groups. They pursue personality and uniqueness. So, the study of the consumption situation and consumption habits are also very necessary, only by understanding the consumption habits of college students, and can develop a better marketing strategy, promote the better development of online supermarket .

Taking college students as the research object, this article mainly through the way of questionnaire, survey of college students' online supermarket consumption habits and consumption psychology, etc., after the results of the survey, took Nanjing Tech University as an example and summed up the market solutions to fit the development of online supermarket.

The first chapter of this article mainly show us the purpose and significance, combined with the literature to describe the present situation of the development of online supermarket in China. The second chapter is the related concepts and research, and briefly describes some of the relevant concepts of this paper. The third chapter is the online supermarket consumption survey of college students in Nanjing, analyzes the situation of the University in Nanjing, and understanding the college students' consumption in the online supermarket through the questionnaire. The fourth chapter is the design of the online supermarket marketing program in Nanjing, which is based on the results of the questionnaire survey, and designs the online supermarket marketing program for Nanjing Tech University. Finally, the full text is summarized and prospected.

Key words: e-commerce; online supermarket; college students; consumer situation; marketing solutions


摘要 I


第一章 导论 1

1.1论文研究背景 1

1.2论文研究的目的和意义 1

1.3国内外研究综述 2

1.4论文研究方法 3

1.4.1研究内容 3

1.4.2研究方法 3

1.4.3研究框架 4

第二章 相关概念与研究 5

2.1电子商务与网络营销概述 5

2.1.1电子商务概述 5

2.1.2网络营销概述 5

2.2网络消费行为与消费心理概述 6

2.2.1网络消费行为概述 6

2.2.2网络消费心理概述 6

2.3大学生网络消费研究与述评 7

2.3.1大学生网络消费研究 7

2.3.2研究述评 8

第三章 南京地区大学生网上超市消费现状分析 9

3.1南京地区大学生网上超市消费影响因素 9

3.1.1南京地区大学分布基本情况 9

3.1.2南京地区大学分布对大学生网上超市购物的影响 10

3.2问卷的设计与发放 11

3.3调查结果统计分析 13

3.3.1基本信息部分 13

3.3.2网上超市购物习惯与需求 13

第四章 南京地区大学校园网上超市营销方案设计 21

4.1基本情况分析 21

4.1.1南京工业大学概况 21

4.1.2目标群体分析 22

4.1.3南京工业大学发展网上超市的利弊因素 23

4.2南京工业大学网上超市营销方案 23

4.2.1采取O2O营销模式 23

4.2.2优化网上超市销售的商品 24

4.2.3优化配送方案,服务好“最后一公里” 24

4.2.4积极采取促销和推广策略 24

4.2.5制作简约时尚的网页 25

4.2.6根据需求提供价格亲民的商品 26

4.2.7提供优质的售前和售后服务 27

第五章 总结与展望 28

参考文献 29

致谢 32

附录:调查问卷 33

第一章 导论




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