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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 电子商务 > 正文


 2022-05-20 22:18:09  


摘 要




Students circle of friends derivative Situation and Development Study


January 2015, micro business Baidu Index has reached 13573. More and more people start to micro business interest, according to incomplete statistics, micro business number has tens of millions of, a variety of micro channel shop has also been a million (has been higher than the number of shops Taobao), circle of friends micro business seems to have become as a new business focus, more and more controversy arising.

This paper aiming at the problems of college friends circle of derivative of make a research, research suggests that this is a very good poineering platform, low threshold, the characteristics of simple operation round the entrepreneurial dream of a lot of people, especially the poor employment situation of college students is a very good way. However, studies suggest that derivative is full of defects and their micro business agent distribution model is seen as a "pyramid", the payment system, credit system of immature also make derivative no development to speak of. On this platform is full of risks and opportunities, as a new industry, the need for the time of the test and policy amendments. In this article, through reading a lot of literature, the variety of data were analyzed and summarized, in the existing conclusion put forward their own views and on the basis of the existing research problems to improve. At the same time, through the method of questionnaire survey method to obtain data for research, finally draws the conclusion that the good university circle of friends derivative four point proposal.

Keywords:Micro Business ;Circle of friends ;Undergraduate


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3论文主要研究内容与方法 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1微商发展综述 4

2.2大学生“朋友圈”微商研究综述 6

2.3网络消费者行为研究综述 7

第三章 大学生朋友圈微商现状调查分析 10

3.1问卷设计 10

3.2问卷的发放 10

3.3问卷分析 11

3.3.1 基本情况分析 11

3.3.2 朋友圈微商支付方式选择情况 13

3.3.3 微商消费者购买意向统计 14

3.3.4数据的描述性统计分析 14

第四章 大学生朋友圈微商发展策略 18

4.1 商品定位策略 18

4.2扩大微商知名度策略 19

4.3 获得信任感策略 19

4.4口碑营销策略 20

第五章 总结 22

参考文献 23

附录(大学生朋友圈微商现状调查问卷) 26

致谢 31






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