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 2022-01-06 22:15:25  


摘 要



关键词: 网站架构 教育 前后端分离 微服务

Design and implementation of online education website


With the development of Internet technology, all kinds of websites have already filled our lives and meet our daily needs. The construction and planning of websites are quietly placed in front of us. At the same time, online teaching, which has been born, has become an important teaching tool. The use of network communication technology to start teaching improves the efficiency of teaching, makes the spread of knowledge more rapid and convenient, and breaks the traditional space restrictions. Compared with the offline teaching in the classroom, the existing system of online education is not perfect. Thinking about how to establish a complete online teaching system has now become a very important topic. The planning and construction of a website largely determine the quality of online teaching, so the construction of an online education website will become an important subject for discussion for a long time to come.

This article deeply analyzes the teaching advantages of the existing online education, on this basis, compares the online education at home and abroad, and then builds the Nangong online education website. This website adopts the B/S architecture. The website uses IDEA as the main development tool, the SpringBoot framework is used to assist development, the website data storage uses Redis, MySql and other tools, the front end uses Vue, Node.js development, and Alibaba Cloud is used for related Video storage. From the perspective of the division of modules, the system is divided into modules such as teacher information management, course information management, statistics of related data, and course information upload. Operate the website through a web browser. This website abandons the traditional highly coupled template engine and uses a separate front-end and back-end development model. The website uses a microservice architecture to facilitate system function expansion and system maintenance. At the same time, the website uses a load balancing server Nginx, which is a big Concurrent access provides technical support.

Key Words: Website architecture; education;Front and rear end separation;Microservice

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究思路和方法 1

1.3.1研究思路 1

1.3.2研究方法 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 国内外发展现状 4

2.1.1国内外在线教育发展现状 4

2.1.2国内外在线教育应用现状 4

2.2相关技术 5

2.2.1SpringBoot 5

2.2.2Vue 5

2.2.3 MySql 5

2.2.4 Redis 6

第三章系统分析与设计 7

3.1系统分析 7

3.1.1可行性分析 7

3.1.2需求分析 7

3.2系统设计 9

3.2.1前端UI界面设计 9

3.2.2后台UI界面设计 10

3.2.3后台数据接口设计 11

第四章 系统功能模块实现及测试 13

4.1网站后台UI界面系统功能实现 13

4.1.1管理员登录页面 13

4.1.2教师信息模块 13

4.1.3课程分类管理模块 14

4.1.4课程发布模块 15

4.1.5统计分析模块 15

4.2网站前台UI界面系统功能实现 16

4.2.1网站首页 16

4.2.2课程展示页面 17

4.2.3名师页面 17

4.3网站数据接口系统功能及实现 18

4.3.1后台数据的发布 18

4.3.2阿里云实现图片上传和视频管理 19

4.4网站的相关优化 20

4.3.1微服务架构 20

4.3.2布隆过滤器 20

4.3.3Redis缓存 21

第五章设计总结 22

5.1总结 22

5.2展望 22

5.3系统中存在的不足 23

5.3.1网站登录问题 23

5.3.2前台页面问题 23

5.3.3 Redis问题 23

5.3.4 运行环境问题 23

参考文献 24

致 谢 28

第一章 绪论





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