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 2021-10-19 22:37:04  

摘 要




The commercialization process of 5G network has started, and the arrival of the era of 5G is bound to cause a new impact on all walks of life. Remote surgery and artificial intelligence diagnosis and treatment that could not be realized before will become a reality. The mature Internet diagnosis and treatment model will change the current situation of the medical industry, especially the medical model and the medical logistics market. Compared with physical medical institutions, Internet diagnosis and treatment is very convenient. However, due to the limited technical level at present, the level of Internet diagnosis and treatment is still limited even through video and photos. The emergence of 5G network will improve the level of Internet diagnosis and treatment. Another concern is health care problems by patients, for a long time, medical insurance fund does not support the Internet medical and pharmacy to buy medicine expenses, however, in early 2020 COVID - 19 during the outbreak has a policy made clear that medical insurance fund will support provided by the medical establishment that decide a dot the Internet medical expenses, which makes the Internet within the scope of diagnosis and treatment into the medical insurance fund in the dawn. With the introduction of the new medical policy, the direction of the reform of medical and health care has been hotly discussed. From the perspective of medical enterprises, this paper will discuss the development direction of the medical logistics market under the circumstances of "two-ticket system", the new GSP and the separation of medical industry, combining the current development status of domestic and foreign medical logistics modes and domestic medical policies. At the same time, according to the functional characteristics of 5G network, it analyzes the role and function definition of the mature Internet diagnosis and treatment system in the new medical treatment, as well as the impact of Internet diagnosis and treatment on the medical logistics market, and on this basis, predicts the development trend and feasible logistics model of medical enterprises and medical logistics enterprises.

Key Words:Internet diagnosis and treatment; Pharmaceutical logistics; Drug retail


第1章 引言 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 研究方法与思路 2

第2章 医药物流发展现状 3

2.1 发达国家的医药物流发展现状 3

2.2 中国医药物流发展现状 4

2.3 中国医药物流发展的政策背景 4

2.3.1 “两票制”规范医药物流秩序 4

2.3.2 新版“GSP”强调药品流通环节的专业性 5

2.3.3 分级诊疗促进医疗资源下沉 6

第3章 互联网诊疗发展趋势 8

3.1 5G网络大幅提升数据传输质量 8

3.2 5G网络促进人工智能诊断与决策的发展 8

3.3 5G网络提高互联网诊疗上限 8

第4章 医药物流发展趋势及面临的挑战 10

4.1 医药分业使药品供应链向零售倾斜 10

4.2 互联网诊疗下医药物流的发展趋势 13

第5章 互联网诊疗下医药物流可行的模式 15

第6章 结论与展望 17

6.1 研究结论 17

6.2 未来展望 17

参考文献 18

致谢 19

第1章 引言

1.1 研究背景与意义

医疗卫生体系作为影响民众福利的重要内容一直是中国经济改革的重点,随着不断调整的医改政策,医药供应链所处的环境不断的改变着,医药企业的物流管理模式也不断改变着。2020年年初的新冠肺炎疫情期间,国家相继出台相关医疗政策和指导意见,严格把控疫情期间医疗机构的服务模式,同时推进互联网线上诊疗和顶点医疗机构线下配药,安慰疫情下人们的不安心理。2月28日,国家医保局、国家卫健委联合印发的《关于推进新冠肺炎疫情防控期间开展“互联网 ”医保服务的指导意见》中明确指出,定点医疗机构获得卫生健康行政部门批准后,可以设置互联网医院,开展互联网诊疗活动,病人参保后,可在这些顶点医疗机构进行线上诊疗,常见病、慢性病的“互联网 ”复诊服务可以纳入医保基金支付范围,同时支持定点医药机构提供“不见面”购药服务[1]。这意味着,阻碍互联网医疗的一大痛点——无法报销的问题,能够在相当大的程度上得到减轻,人民群众线上问诊、复诊的积极性将得到提高,互联网诊疗将更大程度的被民众接纳,这也将促进医药物流模式的新型发展。


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