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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-05-26 21:41:31  


摘 要

在互联网 的时代背景下,电子商务模式正在以更快的速度高度发展,国内的O2O服务平台如雨后春笋不断发展起来,然而传统的O2O服务平台提供的“商户加盟 在线订购 物流配送”模式已经不足以适应高校市场形势,高校市场更需要一款定制化的服务型平台。本论文提出了基于移动终端及PC端的“独立自营 集成服务 交流分享 物流配送”的全新解决方案。消费者通过移动终端及PC端商城下单并完成线上支付,获得电子消费凭证,实现物流配送后消费者可以分享购物体验,同时平台提供校园基本信息公告,缴费服务,形成闭环的消费及消费体验。此种模式特别适合高校学生群体集中,信息分散,学生追求新奇消费体验等特点。一方面是线上订购、支付便捷、物流配送发达,另一方面是各类服务平台服务单一、信息分散。本商务策划书目的是对平台的可行性进行分析。论文从战略分析,市场营销、人力资源、财务分析、风险评估等方面对移动O2O平台进行了全面分析。从政治、经济、社会文化、技术条件等方面进行了宏观分析,同时分析了平台所处的行业环境、竞争环境以及自身条件,最后利用SWOT模型分析,确定了平台“集成服务”的战略方向与“集中化”的营销模式。在确定平台的战略定位之后,进行市场营销分析及STP分析,确定了平台立足于长三角、珠三角等地区高校为主要市场,主营业务为平台自营在校水果线上平台,定位人群为高校在校学生,同时提供校园自助缴费、校园公告信息发布。依据以上的分析进行4P营销策略规划。为了战略及市场营销策略的具体落实,分析了平台的组织结构、人力投入以及运营成本等方面。通过本文的论证,本项目风险可控,投资可行。本商务策划书对于探索“互联网 ”、O2O应用服务的盈利模式和运营模式具有重要的现实意义。

关键词:O2O服务 商务策划书 宏观分析 营销模式 盈利模式

Universities O2O Integrated Service Blatform Business planning Book


In the background of Internet plus era, E-commerce model is highly developed at an ever increasing rate, O2O service platform is springing up and flourishing in domestic. However, the “Merchant Join Order Online Logistics Distribution” model provided by the traditional O2O service platform has been insufficient to meet the market situation of universities, University market needs a customized service platform. Based on mobile terminal and PC terminal, this paper presented a new procedure of “Independent Self-Run Integration Services Feedback and Communication Logistics Distribution”. Consumers can place order and complete online payment by mobile terminal and PC terminal mall , and obtain electronic consumer certificate, consumers can share the shopping experiences after achieving logistics. Meanwhile, the platform can offer basic information bulletin concerning campus and payment services, which in order to form a loop-locked consumption and consumer experience. This model is particularly suitable for college students with group gathering, information scattering and pursing novel consumption experience. On the one hand, the online ordering and payment is convenient ,and logistics distribution is developed. On the other hand, a variety of service platform usually offer single service and scattered information. The purpose of this business plan is to analyze feasibility of the platform. This paper comprehensively analyzed the mobile O2O platform form strategic analysis, marketing, human resources, financial analysis and risk assessment. First, this macroscopic analysis was performed form politics, economy, social culture and technical conditions. Meanwhile, the industry circumstance, competition environment and self-conditions of this platform were analyzed. Finally, the strategic direction (Integration Services) and marketing model (Centralization) of the platform was confirmed using SWOT model. After determining the platform strategy state, colleges locating in Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta as the main market were determined via marketing analysis and STP analysis. The main

business is self-run fruit online platform in college. And the platform aims at providing students in college with campus self-service payment and campus info diffusion. According to the above analysis, 4P marketing strategy planning was conducted. For implementation of the tactic and marketing strategy, the organization structure, labor input and operating costs of this platform were analyzed. Through the demonstration of this paper, the project has controllable risk and feasible investment. This business plan has significances to exploring Internet Plus, profit model and operating pattern of O2O application service.

Keywords: O2O application service, business plan, macro analysis, marketing pattern, profit model.


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1背景和意义 1

1.2国内外发展现状 2

1.2.1国内研究现状 2

1.2.1国外研究现状 3

1.3研究内容与目的 3

1.3.1研究目的 3

1.3.2主要研究内容 3

1.4论文目的 4

1.5论文依据 4

1.6写作原则 4

第二章 文献综述 6

2.1什么是O2O 6

2.2 O2O的现状及不足 6

2.3 O2O的发展趋势 7

2.4 O2O发展的对策 8

第三章 行业背景分析 9

3.1 项目背景 9

3.1.1本地生活服务O2O领域概述 10

3.1.2三大互联网巨头在O2O本地化服务的布局和发展预测 11

3.2产品概述 16

3.2.1产品介绍 16

3.2.2性能保障 16

3.2.3产品特点 17

3.3 技术简介 17

3.3.1开发平台 17

3.3.2 运行平台 18

第四章 产品与服务分析 19

4.1产品研发 19

4.1.1责任部门 19

4.1.2研发成本 19

4.1.3合作研发 19

4.2系统架构 20

4.3产品功能模块介绍 21

第五章 竞争分析 22

5.1 竞争作用力分析 22

5.1.1 人才竞争力 22

5.1.2 品牌竞争力 22

5.1.3 创新竞争力 22

5.1.4 流程管理竞争力 22

5.1.5 管理信息竞争力 23

5.1.6 技术竞争力 23

5.2 竞争对手及产品分析 23

5.3 竞争分析(SWOT模型) 25

5.3.1 自身优势分析 25

5.3.2 自身劣势分析 25

5.3.3 外部机会分析 25

5.3.4 外部威胁分析 26

5.4 竞争策略 26

5.4.1 充分利用现代IT技术人性化,高质量,特色性的服务 26

5.4.2 市场机制运作,注入不竭的发展动力 26

第六章 市场营销分析 27

6.1 4C策略 27

6.2 产品策略 27

6.3 售后服务 28

6.4 定价策略 28

6.5 推广策略 29

6.6 营销团队建设与管理 30

6.7将产品进一步推向市场 31

6.8 市场发展各阶段预测 31

第七章 投资与财务分析 33

7.1 投资估算 33

7.1.1 建设投资的估算 33

7.1.2 建设期利息计算 35

7.2成本估算 35

7.2.1外购原材料费 35

7.2.2工资及福利费表 35

7.2.3折旧费 36


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