2022-05-26 21:41:15
摘 要
关键词:亲子关系 偏差行为 矫正
Adolescent relationships with Deviant Behavior Research
Nowadays, juvenile delinquency has drawn a widely public attention. As the first growing environment of young people, family plays an important role. Obviously, parental support is the largest influence on creating preferable behavior in adolescents. Because the parent-child relationship is the decisive factor affecting the family environment, we research the parent-child relationship for exploring the impact of it to deviant behavior. So we can effectively reduce deviant behaviors of young people and prevent deviant behaviors from being serious criminal behaviors by improving the parent-child relationship. In this paper, we use data studies to understand the type of contemporary adolescents’ deviant behaviors, characteristics and occurrence patterns, explore the effect of parent-child relationship on deviant behaviors to seek the ways and means to get corrections of deviant behaviors. Ultimately concluded, poor parent-child relationship can lead to adolescent mental discomfort, lack of family support, family education of poor results, leading to adolescent personality disorder, internalization and externalization all have influence on deviant behavior in adolescents. We should also start to change deviant behaviors of young people from these areas: youth groups, families, schools, society and community.Social workers can take rational-emotive therapy and family therapy pattern by the case and the group, the parent-child relationship from the start to help correct the teenagers' deviant behavior, helping young people develop more healthy.
Key Words: Parent-child relationship; Deviant behaviors; Redress
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、引言 1
(一)选题的目的和意义 1
(二)文献综述 1
1.亲子关系的内容 1
2.当代亲子关系的特点 1
3.亲子关系的其他研究 3
4.文献评述 4
(三)研究理论基础 5
1.依恋理论 5
2.诺丁斯关怀理论 5
3.埃里克森人格理论 5
(四)研究思路 6
1.核心概念界定 6
2.研究方法 6
二、当代青少年偏差行为现状 7
(一)偏差行为的分类 7
1.一般性偏差行为 7
2.严重偏差行为 7
(二)青少年偏差行为的发生模型 7
1.受压产生不适 8
2.首度反弹并自我调适 8
3.自我调适受挫 8
4.二次反弹并背离社会主流规范 8
(三)青少年偏差行为的特点 9
1.盲目性 9
2.随意性 9
3.从众性 10
4.连续性 10
5.逆反性 10
三、消极的亲子关系对青少年偏差行为的影响 11
(一)影响一:心理适应不良 11
1.抑郁、孤独感等负面情绪 11
2.消极、抵触的心态 11
(二)影响二:人格发展障碍 11
1.反社会型人格障碍 12
2.冲动型人格障碍 12
3.边缘型人格障碍 12
4.表演型人格障碍 12
5.自恋型人格障碍 13
(三)影响三:行为偏差 13
1.内化 13
2.外化 13
四、亲子关系与青少年偏差行为的矫正 14
(一)青少年偏差行为的矫正途径 14
1.途径一:青少年自身 14
2.途径二:父母 14
3.途径三:学校 15
4.途径四:社区 15
5.途径五:社会 16
(二)从亲子关系入手对青少年偏差行为的矫正 16
1.从青少年入手:理性情绪疗法 16
2.从父母入手:家庭治疗模式 17
3.父母和青少年共同入手:社区中的小组工作 17
五、总结 19
(一)研究结论 19
(二)讨论 19
(三)研究不足 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 25
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