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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-05-26 21:41:42  


摘 要


本文调查分析了国内外网上虚拟试衣间的历史、现状以及未来发展趋势,总结出国内外网上虚拟试衣间的种类,同时也归纳了虚拟试衣系统的开发技术以及应用。在此基础上,对3D虚拟试衣间进行了可行性分析,又从功能、流程、技术、效果四个方面对现有的虚拟试衣间——优衣库虚拟设计间,进行了分析,进一步了解到虚拟试衣间在电子商务中的应用。分析了以UML作为建模手段,以Rational Rose的统一过程(RUP)为开发指导,结合面向对象的分析与设计思想,对虚拟试衣间中的人体和服装进行了建模。详细分析了建模过程,并提出了一个3D虚拟试衣间的试衣模块模型。通过运用流程图分析虚拟试衣间试衣模块模块的功能需求,对该功能模块进行了逻辑设计。

在实现技术上,拟采用Flash技术进行试衣间的界面开发,并结合使用脚本语言Action Script实现交互操作。并综合运用以上研究的技术手段,实现了一个网上试衣系统核心模块——试衣模块的设计框架。


关键词:3D 虚拟现实 试衣间 建模 VR

The Design and Development of 3D Virtual Fitting Room


With the development of information network technology, network has become an indispensable part of people's production and life.. With the importance of e-commerce in people's daily life, it is inevitable that virtual technology will be applied to clothing design and display industry.. Through the virtual fitting system, not only can intuitively and conveniently see the clothing of the person different effect, can also be individual to adjust to achieve the effect of clothing to users to experience a spiritual satisfaction.

This paper investigates the analysis the domestic and foreign online virtual fitting between the history, current situation and future development trend, summarizes abroad and online virtual fitting room types and also summarizes the virtual fitting system of technology development and application. On this basis, the 3D virtual fitting room were feasibility analysis, and from four aspects of function, process, technology and effect of existing virtual fitting room -- UNIQLO virtual design, has carried on the analysis, to further understand the virtual fitting room in the electronic commerce application. Analysis of using UML as a modeling method, with rational rose unified process (RUP) to guide the development of combined with the oriented object analysis and design, modeling of virtual fitting room in the human body and clothing of. A detailed analysis of the modeling process, and proposes a model fitting module 3D virtual fitting room. Through the use of flow chart analysis of the functional requirements of the virtual fitting room module, the function module of logic design.

In the realization of the technology, quasi fitting room interface is developed by using flash technology, combined with the use of Action Script scripting language to realize interaction operation. And the integrated use of the above research techniques, has realized a online fitting system core module, fitting module design framework.

Through theory research and technology research, the company can apply the module to the website development project, the development of system module, the user can log in directly to the fitting room system to meet the needs of users online virtual fitting. At the same time, through the fitting room and clothing sales are connected to sales demand with the company's Web site.

Keywords: 3D; virtual reality; room; modeling; VR


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2课题目的及其意义 1

1.3研究思路和技术方法 2

1.3.1本文拟采用的研究思路 2

1.3.2本文的研究方法 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1国内外试衣间发展状况 4

2.1.1试衣间相关定义和技术 4

2.1.2虚拟试衣间的相关定义和技术 5

2.2国内外试衣间开发技术和工具 9

2.2.1非接触式人体三维测量 9

2.2.2虚拟现实技术应用 10

2.2.3虚拟现实技术实现 13

2.2.4基于ActionScript的Flash技术 13

第三章 案例分析 14

3.1可行性分析 14

3.2典型使用案例 15

3.2.1优衣库虚拟试衣间 15

3.2.2京东商城虚拟试衣间 16

3.2.3优衣库虚拟试衣间分析 16

第四章 试衣间模块分析 21

4.1试衣间分析 21

4.1.1图像处理 21

4.1.2数据管理 21

4.1.3用户界面 22

4.2试衣间设计 23

4.2.1人体建模 23

4.2.2服装建模 25

4.3虚拟试衣流程 27

4.4虚拟试衣间开发 28

4.4.1技术需求 28

4.4.2关键代码 29

4.4.3 360度旋转效果 29

结语 31

参考文献 32

致谢 36

第一章 绪论





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