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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2022-05-30 22:12:41  


摘 要


关键词:职业 更替 俱乐部 有效性 绩效

Study on the effectiveness of replacement of career coaches


Career coaches play a vital part in the competition level of a country. As international sport more and more professional, standardized, all kinds of professional clubs with it. As a club coach the team's tactical makers, his team for the importance of self-evident. But not every coach can make a good tactical system, lead the team to victory. In this case, the high-level club and fans for all the interests of yes to replace coach team. However, the replacement of teaching behavior does not necessarily effective to lead the team to victory, it is necessary to study the effectiveness of the coaches' replacement to replace coach as a reference for the club. Because there are many different kinds of professional sports, this will only has the world's first run its reputation as a circle of football career as typical to analyze. Based on the influence of the replacement of a career coach for the team training performance as the research object. In this paper, by comparing the different coach replacement home and abroad for the influence of different performance of the team's training, the replacement of a career coach for the team training performance problems that affect the effective study, analyzes the career coach of the main reasons for the change, change career coach and team performance are discussed the causation and correlation degree, discussed the replacement of a career coach in the relationship between personal characteristics and team performance. Finally come to the conclusion that the ability of coaches, charm, team style will influence the effectiveness of the change of behavior. And when the influencing factors are moving toward the good direction, change behavior is effective. This article find team contains cultural influence on team performance, and reveals the change of Chinese professional football coach problem and deep behind the Chinese super league. In order to for the development of Chinese football and domestic professional coach.

Key Words: professional; replacement; The club; effectiveness; The performance of


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 3

1.3论文框架 3

第二章 职业教练的更替 4

2.1职业教练更替的概念 4

2.2职业教练更替的原因 5

2.3职业教练更替的表现 6

第三章 职业教练更替的有效性判断的标准 8

3.1执教期的胜率 8

3.2球队精神 8

3.3比赛战术与训练方法 8

第四章 职业教练更替有效性的影响因素 9

4.1教练的战略战术 9

4.2更替教练的个人魅力 9

4.3其余因素 9

第五章 职业教练更替有效性的改进对策 11

5.1对于管理思想层面的改进 11

5.2对于教练基本理论和素质的培训 12

5.3创新方法手段,提高教练员队伍的教练水平 13

第六章结论 14

参考文献 15

第一章 引言




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