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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 人力资源管理 > 正文


 2022-03-22 20:31:29  


摘 要


关键字:非货币薪酬 激励 企业管理

Research on High Performance Incentive Based on Non-monetary Compensation


Under the background of the rapid economic development of China, the physical life of people has been greatly improved, as a result, the demand of people gradually become more diverse, the traditional financial compensation for employees has been difficult to make them satisfied, which more companies have began to focus on the incentive effects of non-monetary compensation. The thesis analyzes the present situation of China's companies to use non-monetary compensation, finding out the existing problems and in order to analysis their causes, to find out the countermeasure what can help companies use non-monetary compensation better. The thesis analyzed it and found out that although many companies in China have used non-monetary compensation, the effect of non-monetary compensation still can’t be maximized. There is a problem that the companies don’t combine non-monetary compensation with traditional monetary compensation. Moreover, the companies still do not pay attention to individual differences and the characteristics of organizations, the methods of non-monetary compensation need to be innovated. The company only fully understand their own characteristics and the needs of employee,to pay attention to psychological needs of employees, get the premise based on the full and effective implementation of monetary compensation,to adopt a variety of non-monetary compensation can effectively improve the employee’s ownership and work satisfaction, the staff's work efficiency can be improved effectively. Perfect non-monetary compensation system can help enterprises to effectively reduce the rate of turnover, allow enterprises to sustained and harmonious development of rhythm to enhance their competitiveness, to keep motivate and attract enterprises outstanding staff support effectively, to help enterprises set up and maintain a competitive talent team under the background of the rapid economic development of China, so that enterprises can better face the current economic challenge . 

Key Words: Non-monetary compensation;Incentive;Enterprise management 

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 引言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究内容 2

1.4论文框架 2

第二章 企业非货币薪酬激励的现状与问题 3

2.1企业使用非货币薪酬的现状 3

2.2企业使用非货币薪酬的问题 4

第三章 企业非货币薪酬激励存在问题的原因 6

3.1管理理念重约束轻激励 6

3.2薪酬体系构成不平衡 6

3.3培训与工作分配不合理 7

3.4忽视与员工心理契约的建立 8

3.5忽视企业文化的建设 8

第四章 完善企业非货币薪酬模式的对策 10

4.1 建立因人制宜的薪酬体系 10

4.2.建立弹性福利制度 10

4.3建立培训晋升体系 11

4.4建立良好的工作环境 12

4.5提高员工的参与决策比重 13

4.6培养统一企业文化 13

结语 15

参考文献 16

第一章 引言





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