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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 财务管理 > 正文


 2021-11-08 21:32:51  

摘 要



本文拟通过搜集我国重污染行业上市公司的相关数据,运用Excel和SPSS 24这两种软件对各种各样的数据进行,设定企业价值、环境绩效和一些其他的变量,构建统计模型,采用相关性分析和回归分析等统计方法确定企业价值与企业环境绩效之间的关系,以及后者对前者的影响程度。根据数据体现的分析结果,提出针对政府和企业的对策建议。



Nowadays, disasters caused by environmental changes such as global warming, land desertification, scarcity of freshwater resources, and melting of Antarctic glaciers are frequent. As one of the issues of global concern, environmental issues have attracted more and more attention. Nowadays, people pay close attention to changes in the global environment and actively seek corresponding solutions. In China, environmental performance is regarded as one of the measures of many measures. Enterprises introduce the concept of environmental performance to evaluate the degree and direction of changes in enterprise value after taking these measures. The data currently studied in the relevant literature mainly comes from data of foreign companies. This phenomenon occurs because there is a complete environmental performance evaluation system abroad. However, China has not formed a scientific environmental research system. For this reason, in most literatures at present, there is little research on the relationship between environmental performance and corporate value based on industry data in China. This question is still worth studying.

This article intends to collect relevant data of listed companies in China's heavily polluting industries, use Excel and SPSS software to process the data, set relevant variables such as enterprise value and environmental performance, construct statistical models, and use statistical methods such as correlation analysis and regression analysis to determine The relationship between corporate value and corporate environmental performance, and the extent to which the latter affects the former. According to the analysis results, put forward targeted countermeasures and suggestions.

Key Words:Enterprise value;Environmental performance;Heavy polluting enterprise

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.1.1 目的 1

1.1.2 意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 环境绩效概念的发展 2

1.2.2 企业社会责任 2

1.2.3 企业环境行为与企业价值 3

1.2.4 研究述评 3

1.3 研究内容与方法 3

1.3.1 研究内容 3

1.3.2 研究方法 4

第2章 相关概念与基本理论 5

2.1 基本概念 5

2.1.1 绩效与环境绩效 5

2.1.2 企业价值 5

2.2理论基础 5

2.2.1可持续发展理论 5

2.2.2企业社会责任理论 5

2.2.3企业价值理论 6

第3章 研究假设和模型构建 7

3.1 机理分析与研究假设 7

3.2变量设定 10

3.3模型构建 11

第4章 实证分析 12

4.1 样本选取及数据来源 12

4.2 描述性统计 12

4.3 相关性分析 13

4.4 回归分析 14

4.5 结果与讨论 14

第5章 对策建议 16

5.1 基于政府层面的政策建议 16

5.2 基于公司层面的对策建议 16

第6章 研究结论与展望 18

6.1研究结论 18

6.2研究展望 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 21

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义

1.1.1 目的



1.1.2 意义

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