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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 财务管理 > 正文


 2021-07-12 21:29:51  

摘 要






With the rapid development of Internet, Internet banking has become the most popular industry. Internet all the chips in the financial sector as a new industry, with its innovative ideas, advance the concept and the growing maturity of the technology, in recent years achieved rapid growth. In this paper, through the study of Internet public raise financing way, clear all the chips operation process, found all the chips, proposes the solution countermeasure, make all the better the mode of financing to raise to serve the enterprise and individual, extent, solve the problem of financing.

Firstly in the introduction puts forward the research purpose, meaning, content, methods and the status quo of the, basic condition of all the chips are summarized, then put forward four kinds of basic public chip mode, analyzing all kinds of the congregation raised mode has the advantages and existing problems, and accordingly put forward countermeasures and suggestions. Finally, the case study of the way to all raise specific, image analysis, in order to raise awareness of the public, clear the current congregation industry situation.

This paper focuses on the analysis of all the chips in the four kinds of basic modes, analysis of the process, advantages and disadvantages and according to the problems found in the analysis proposed the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. Through the analysis of the current situation, discover a problem, proposes the countermeasure, can promote to raise the public better development of the industry, also has the important reference significance for reference and to raise the public enterprises and individuals.

Keywords: Crowdfunding;Financing of crowdfunding,;Mode of crowdfunding

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的与研究意义 1

1.1.1研究目的 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

1.3研究方法与研究内容 3

1.3.1研究方法 3

1.3.2研究内容 3

第2章 互联网众筹融资概述 5

2.1众筹融资的概念与特点 5

2.1.1众筹融资的概念 5

2.1.2众筹融资的特点 5

2.2众筹融资的意义 6

2.3众筹融资的基本流程 7

第3章 互联网众筹融资的基本模式分析 9

3.1基于捐赠的众筹 9

3.2基于预售的众筹 10

3.3基于债权的众筹 11

3.4基于股权的众筹 12

第4章 完善互联网众筹融资的建议 14

4.1加强互联网众筹平台的监管 14

4.1.1为众筹平台设立准入门槛和退出机制 14

4.1.2众筹中筹集到的资金由第三方托管 14

4.1.3众筹平台自己不得参与众筹 15

4.1.4以平台为主要场所进行众筹教育 15

4.2建立基于投资者保护的监管框架 15

4.2.1在结合我国国情的基础上,借鉴其他国家的先进经验 15

4.2.2加快推动社会信用体系建设 15

4.2.3成立众筹平台自律组织 15

4.3 完善我国众筹相关法律制度 15

4.3.1通过立法来确认众筹的合法地位 16

4.3.2加强对创意项目的产权保护制度 16

4.3.3建设和完善我国社会信用体系 16

第五章 “天使汇”众筹案例分析 17

5.1“天使汇”众筹平台的概况 17

5.2“天使汇”众筹平台的特点 17

5.2.1改善投资环境,维护诚信,降低风险 17

5.2.2项目类型丰富,存在全部众筹基本模式 17

5.2.3提高投资效率,推出“闪投”投资模式 17

5.2.4发展投资人社区 18

5.2.5不断扩展平台服务 18

5.3“天使汇”众筹平台存在的问题 18

5.3.1非法集资风险 18

5.3.2知识产权的侵权问题 18

5.3.3准入门槛过高 19

5.4对“天使汇”众筹平台的建议 19

5.4.1规范众筹参与人资质,明确与非法集资的界限 19

5.4.2强化知识产权保护,建立追责制度 19

5.4.3降低准入门槛,提高网站知名度 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21

第1章 绪论





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