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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 材料科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-04-08 20:27:52  


摘 要



关键词:保温砂浆 建筑节能 环境保护 干密度 抗压强度 导热系数

Preparation and properties of gypsum-based thermal insulation


With the rapid development of China's industry and other aspects of a large number of industrial by-product gypsum, annual emissions became a problem that can not be ignored. Store these solid wastes not only occupy a lot of land and pollute the environment and groundwater resources. From the resource utilization of industrial waste gypsum, building energy efficiency as well as and"people-oriented" point of view, this paper presents with an industrial by-product gypsum as the main raw material, by adding different lightweight aggregate and incorporated some of the aid to improve its performance, productgypsum-based mortar for ground insulation with good performance. Variable control methods were investigated as ceramic and glass beads of insulation mortar lightweight aggregate and additive content is not the same effect on the thermal insulation properties, and various groups are used to determine the thermal insulation of the ground reasonable proportion points. Finally, this paper also discussed the development of thermal insulation mortar and gypsum-based applications.

Through experiments, some experimental results were obtained, reached the following conclusions: (1) In order to meet the requirements of construction of mortar, plaster retarder select special retarder (SG-10), and its content is 0.3%; superplasticizer dosage is 0.7%. (2) With ceramic and glass beads were used as insulation particles mortar, mortar can improve it’s performance, although the compressive strength of mortar has declined, but it becomes less dense bone dry, and the insulation performance with insulation increase, the particle content is better. Glass beads used as insulation particles, the density of dry mortar must not only smaller, but the insulation effect is better than ceramic effect, so, to prepare performance superior lightweight gypsum-based insulation materials, glass beads is more suitable than Tao Reap as a mortar insulation particles. (3) An increase in the content of water-retaining agent, will improve thermal properties of the mortar, but its compressive strength and dry density are significantly weakened. (4) With the incorporation of polymer powders, thermal insulation mortar dry density decreased, which is related to polymer powders bleed air. When the powder content is small, due to the relatively small amount of its introduction in the mixing of air bubbles, reduce the compressive strength of mortar was less; but when powder content continues to increase, the compressive strength was reduced to more and more, so the powder dosage should not be too large. This is because of the excessive doping, the introduction of excessive amount of bubbles, weakened mortar compressive strength.

KeyWords:Thermal insulation mortar; building energy conservation; environmental protection; dry density; compressive strength; thermal conductivity

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2 保温砂浆的研究状况及发展趋势 1

1.2.1 保温砂浆的种类及特点 1

1.2.2 保温砂浆的研究现状 1

1.2.3 保温砂浆的发展趋势 2

1.3石膏基保温砂浆的组成 2

1.4本文主要研究工作 5

第二章 试验材料及试验方法 7

2.1 试验材料 7

2.1.1 建筑石膏 7

2.1.2 填料 7

2.1.3 保温颗粒 8

2.1.4 外加剂 8

2.2 试验所用仪器 8

2.3 试验方法 9

2.3.1干密度的测定 9

2.3.2 抗压强度的测定 9

2.3.3导热系数的测定 10

第三章 石膏基保温砂浆的制备与研究 11

3.1缓凝剂对建筑石膏性能的影响 11

3.2减水剂对建筑石膏性能的影响 13

3.3 保温颗粒对砂浆性能的影响 15

3.4纤维素醚对砂浆性能的影响 17

3.5 可再分散乳胶粉对砂浆性能的影响 19

第四章 结论 22

参 考 文 献 23

致谢 25

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景及意义


1.2 保温砂浆的研究状况及发展趋势

1.2.1 保温砂浆的种类及特点


1.2.2 保温砂浆的研究现状

尽管保温砂浆存在着一些缺点,但近年来,通过一些学者的研究,保温砂浆的性能已经提升了很多。为了满足各种不同的需求,许多新型保温砂浆被开发了出来。例如:重庆大学的陈明凤,彭家惠等人就利用聚苯乙烯泡沫、水泥和膨胀珍珠岩等研究出了一种可用于建筑物外墙保温的砂浆,该砂浆不仅具有良好的抗裂性能而且耐候性也比一般的保温砂浆优异。杨俊晓等人又用粒化高炉矿渣替代砂研制出了一种具有高强度且密度和导热系数都较小的砂浆,该砂浆可用于保温砌筑。Bulent Yesilata等人用废弃的PET和橡胶加入到混凝土中来提高墙体的保温性能,这提高了垃圾的回收利用率,对环境保护具有非常重要的意义[4]

1.2.3 保温砂浆的发展趋势




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