2021-12-10 17:50:12
摘 要
Micromotors are expected to provide transformative technologies for biomedicine, environmental governance and micro/nano processing because of its unique motion behavior and its ability to manipulate micro/nano objects. However, the multi-component/multilayer structures and the noble metal catalytic materials are often required for the existing micromotors, which seriously hinders their large-scale preparation and application. Therefore, the development of micromotors with simple structure and controllable motion performance, is of great significance to the development of this field. In the preliminary study, our team developed various optically controlled TiO2 micromotors with simple structures, including single-layer tubular, bicrystal spherical and isotropic TiO2 micromotors. However, due to the limitation of TiO2 energy band structure, these micromotors can only respond to the ultraviolet light, which accounts for only 8.7% of the total solar energy and has great harm to the organisms. Its greatly limits their application in environmental governance and biomedical. In addition, these TiO2 micromotors can only generate random motion or phototactic motion under the irradiation of ultraviolet light at a specific angle, and the motion behavior is relatively simple. To solve above problems, this paper put forward the development of the eccentricity of the dye sensitized TiO2 hollow micromotors. Our study focuses on the wavelength of light intensity, light, light direction and fuel concentration on the influence law of its movement speed and direction and we reveals the light-control movement mechanism. Our work not only realize the optical drive but also the development of sex of its light weight, phototaxis and random movement of multimodal motion control technology. The details are as follows:
(1) A new design of micromotor structure with surface isotropy and internal mass distribution asymmetry, and its simple preparation technology of solvothermal was developed. We prepared the TiO2 micronmotor with eccentric hollow structure, and we studied its surface dye sensitization method.
(2) With the oxidizing ability of the dye N719 on the motor surface, the light absorption range of the micronmotor was broadened. And the multi-wavelength optical drive in the range of ultraviolet to visible light was realized. By controlling the light intensity and the fuel concentration, the motion rate can be controlled.
(3) Developed the multi-mode motions control technology for the light gravitation, phototaxis and random motion of the off-center hollow TiO2 micromotor in visible light. Due to its low density characteristics, the off-center hollow TiO2 micromotor floats upward under the vertical and upward illumination conditions, presenting a light-oriented motion mode. By controlling the fuel concentration, it can also generate random motion mode. When oblique downward illumination was used, the off-center hollow TiO2 micromotor carried out two-dimensional negative phototaxis on the substrate surface.
In this paper, the eccentricity dye sensitized TiO2 hollow micromotor preparation method is simple, not only can mass preparation, and has a wider excitation wavelength. In visible light to show the pattern more exercise behavior, enrich the structure design of micromotor. Has a great significant in develop low cost and high controllable micromotors in environmental management and the practical application of biological medicine.
Keywords:Visible-light control; Eccentric hollow structures; Dye sensitization; Micromotors
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1微纳米马达 1
1.2微纳米马达的驱动机理分类 1
1.2.1自驱动微纳米马达 2
1.2.2外场驱动型微纳米马达 3
1.3研究目的与研究内容 6
第2章 可见光响应偏心中空TiO2微米马达的运动行为研究 8
2.1引言 8
2.2实验部分 8
2.2.1实验试剂与试验设备 8
2.2.2实验过程 8
2.2.3样品的测试与表征 9
2.3实验结果与讨论 10
2.3.1偏心中空TiO2微纳米马达的表征 10
2.3.2偏心中空TiO2微米马达在直光照下的运动行为研究 11
2.4运动原理分析 18
第3章 总结 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 24
第1章 绪论
微纳米马达作为一种能将环境中存在的其他形式的能量转换为自身动能的微纳米粒子或器件,因其在液体环境中具有特殊的运动特性与功能,近年来发展迅速,在生物医学、环境治理和微纳米工程等领域有着巨大的应用前景[1-8]。2002年,Whiteside课题组提出了化学驱动的微纳米马达,自此微纳米马达的概念走入人们的视野。直至目前,研究者们致力于使微纳米马达获取更快的运动速度、更高的可控性、更低的制备成本、更环保的燃料以及生物相容的能量来源。在研究者们的精心设计下,通过对结构和材料的不断改进,已经制备出了具有各种各样结构的微纳米马达。其中,构造多组分不对称性是设计微纳米马达的常用方法,例如Janus微球(Au/TiO2、SiO2/TiO2等)[9]、双金属棒(Pt/Au等)[10]、多金属线(Pt/Ni/Au等)[11]、多层管(PANI/Pt等)等。除此之外,还有单组分微纳米马达,例如单质银(Ag)、氧化锰(MnO2)、各向同性TiO2、罐装MnFe2O4、双晶相TiO2等[2, 12-14]。
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