2021-05-19 00:01:40
摘 要
本文研究了水合盐钾明矾的储热性能,钾明矾在相变过程中存在着过冷和相分离的问题。加入形核剂和增稠剂是解决过冷和相分离最有效的方法之一。本文研究了铝粉,氟化钡,四氧化三铁,二氧化钛等作为形核剂,聚丙烯酰胺,羟乙基纤维素,明胶作为增稠剂对于钾明矾相变过程中的过冷和相分离进行改善的实验。结果表明最有效的配方为二氧化钛TiO21.6wt% 明胶0.5wt%,过冷度约为0摄氏度。用DSC测试了纯钾明矾和最有效的配方的组分的潜热,熔点以及比热的变化,用SEM测试了最有效的组分和只加0.5wt%的明胶的钾明矾的微观形貌特征,研究形核剂对于潜热影响的微观解释。
On the supply and demand for energy, there is an obvious difference of time and space. In order to make good use of energy,so as to solve the problem that the use of energy is mismatching on time and space. Latent storage materials have a good heat storage capacity and isothermal characteristics. The salt hydrates are one of latent storage materials, which have an advantage of low cost, and its heat conductivity is bigger than organic materials, heat of solution is big, and volume of heat storage density is large. So salt hydrates are a kind of promising heat storage materials.
In this paper, it has been studied that the thermal storage property of potassium alum, which has the problems of supercooling and phase separation in the process of phase transition. Addin-g nucleating agent and thickening material is the most effective way to solve the problem of supercooling and phase separation. In this paper, It has been researched that adding nucleating agent Al, BaF2, Fe3O4, TiO2 and thickening material polyacrylamide,hydroxyethyl cellulose, gelatin to solve the problem of supercooling and phase separation when potassium alum is in the process of phase transition. The result shows that the most effective formula is 1.6 wt% TiO2, 0.5 wt% gelatin, which makes the subcooled temperature get close to zero. DSC is used to test the change of latent heat, melting point and specific heat of pure potassium alum and modified potassium alum. Furthermore, SEM is used to study the microscopic morphological characteristics of the most effective formula and potassium alum only with 0.5 wt% gelatin, so as to find the microscopic explanation of the influence of nucleating agent to latent heat.
Keywords:Potassium alum;PCM;Latent heat;nucleating agent
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 储热技术和储热材料 2
1.2.1 相变储热材料分类 2
1.2.2 相变储热材料的选择 3
1.3 无机水合盐相变储热材料 3
1.3.1 无机水合盐特征 3
1.3.2 无机水合盐过冷机理 3
1.3.3 形核剂的形核机理 4
1.3.4 增稠剂增稠机理 4
1.3.5 无机水合盐的研究现状 4
1.4 课题的研究内容和技术路线 5
1.4.1 研究内容 5
1.4.2 技术路线 5
第2章 实验过程 7
2.1 实验试剂 7
2.2 成核实验 7
2.2.1 成核剂评选和优化 7
2.2.2 增稠剂评选与优化 11
2.3 表征方法 14
2.3.1 相变温度及相变潜热的测定 14
2.3.2 比热容的测定 15
2.3.3 SEM测试 15
第3章 改性钾明矾热物性研究 16
3.1 相变温度和相变潜热分析 16
3.2 比热容测试分析 17
3.3 SEM分析 19
3.4 本章小结 22
第4章 结论与展望 23
参考文献 24
致谢 25
第1章 绪论
1.1 前言
在能源的供应和需求上面,存在非常明显的时间差异性。潜热储能材料在相变过程中有高的储热能力和较好的等温性能,无机水合盐是潜热储能材料中的一种,包括了碱金属和碱土金属的卤化盐,硫酸盐,醋酸盐等盐类水合物。无机水合盐提供了熔点从几度到一百多度的相变材料,在中低温相变材料中应用地非常的广泛。无机水合盐具有价格便宜,导热系数比有机材料大,溶解热大,体积储热密度大等优点,但同时大部分的无机水合盐在相变储热的时候都存在相分离和过冷的问题。解决过冷问题的办法有:1. 加入微粒结构或是与盐类结晶类似的物质作为形核剂;2. 冷指法,保留部分相变材料,使未熔的部分晶体作为形核剂;解决相分离的办法有:1. 加入增稠剂;2. 加入某种晶型改变剂;3. 盛相变材料的容器使用薄层结构;4. 摇晃或晃动。
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