2021-05-11 21:10:08
摘 要
Nowadays, the issue of global resources and environment becomes worse. With the rapid development of utilization technologies of solar energy, the working medium of heat storage is getting more attention. The significant issue we are facing is how to improve the properties of heat storage material.
This paper used mixed nitrate (NaNO3:KNO3=6:4) as the phase change material to research its compatibility with the container material. We needs a container while using the organic phase change material, and compared to other salts, nitrate is less corrosive. Thus, in the study of the inorganic salt corrosion towards the container, we used vermiculite as the adsorption and prepared the vermiculite-based composite phase change material. This paper chose several different steels that were commonly used in industry with fair price, such as 310s stainless steel, 304 stainless steel, 45 carbon steel and 20 carbon steel to study the causticity of nitrate heat storage material. And also made attempts to research the corrosion resistance copper, brass and cast iron. During the 960 hours of corrosion tests, we measured and recorded the quality of the metals per 120 hours. At last, the metallurgical test, XRD analysis and the dynamic analysis of corrosion showed that 310s stainless steel has the strongest resistance to corrosion, followed by 304 stainless steel, 45 carbon steel, 20 carbon steel. And the corrosion towards container was significantly decreased after vermiculite adsorbed the phase change material, which indicates that vermiculite package can prevent the corrosion of phase change material to containers. To be more specific, the corrosion resistance of 310s and 304 stainless steel were so good that there is no diffraction peaks of new phase detected in XRD. On the other hand, there are obvious new phase diffraction peak appeared in the XRD as for 45 and 20 carbon steel, which indicated there were many corrosion products generated and the corrosion resistance of 45 and 20 carbon steel is weaker than that of 310s and 304 stainless steel. And the study also shows the corrosion resistance towards nitrate of brass and cast iron is strong while that of copper is weak in the corrosion test at 300℃ within 600 hours.
Key words: Nitrate heat storage material;Container material;Compatibility;Corrosion
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 蓄热方式 1
1.2.1 显热蓄热 1
1.2.2 潜热蓄热 2
1.2.3 热化学反应蓄热 2
1.3 相变蓄热材料的分类 3
1.3.1 固-液相变蓄热材料 3
1.3.2 固-固相变蓄热材料 4
1.3.3 复合相变蓄热材料 5
1.4 相变蓄热材料的筛选原则 5
1.5 本文的研究目的、意义及内容 6
第2章 实验试剂与仪器 7
2.1 实验原料与试剂 7
2.2 实验仪器 7
2.3 结构表征与性能测试方法 8
2.3.1 物相分析 8
2.3.2 金相分析 8
第3章 NaNO3-KNO3/蛭石复合储热材料的制备及性能研究 9
3.1 混合硝酸盐的配制 9
3.2 结果与讨论 10
3.2.1 混合硝酸盐DSC 10
第4章 NaNO3-KNO3/蛭石复合储热材料对几种不锈钢的腐蚀性研究 11
4.1 实验部分 12
4.1.1 钢材的磨制 12
4.1.2 腐蚀实验具体操作方法: 13
4.2 结果与讨论 13
4.2.1 金相分析 13
4.2.2 腐蚀物相分析 16
4.2.3 腐蚀动力学分析 18
4.2.4 质量变化分析 20
第5章 结论与展望 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 25
第1章 绪论
1.1 引言
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