2021-05-06 14:06:15
摘 要
The energy crisis is becoming more prominent as our human beings’ demand for energy increases greatly due to the continuous development of science and technology.The large population of our country.as well as the improvment of our living standards have resulted the requirement of a more suitable living environment which makes the energy consumption of building grow rapidly,thus building energy conservation has become a vital step in energy conservation. While utilizing the silica aerogels with ultra-low thermal conductivity in the coatings for building facades is of great significance to energy conservation.However the silica aerogels requires to be modified to be highly dispersed and hydrophobic
During the early research of this paper,monodispersed silica nanospheres were prepared according to the Stöber Method ,and the impact of the amount of ammonia to the micromorphology and size of the silica nanospheres were studied.The silica nanospheres were characterized by SEM and its thermal conductivity is measured.Based on that,grafting modification and the hydrophobic modification research was conducted.The 30%m-PCE was employed as the dispersing agents in the grafting modification,and the impact of its amount to the dispersity of silica nanospheres in water and ethanol as well as the grafting result was studied. SEM,EDS and laser particle size analysis were taken to characterize the modified nanospheres.The appropriate proportion of dispersants was determined. In the hydrophobic modification ,TMCS was used as the modifier.And the replacement of the surface solution was conducted in a Soxhlet extractor, so that - (CH3) 3 , the substituent of -OH can form a hydrophobic umbrella, to achieve the hydrophobic effect.SEM and EDS were used to characterize the modified nanospheres.The results of the experiment show as follow:the average microsphere size increases along the increase of the amount of ammonia, monodispersity of the microspheres will be disturbed when greater than a certain amount of ammonia, the thermal conductivity will increases with the increase of the microsphere’s size, when15g microspheres dispersant is added 30% -PCE 6.39g, a high degree of graft modification was gained and its dispersion was of the best.When using a mixed solution of trimethylsilyl chloride and n-hexane in the hydrophobic modification, A preferably monodisperse SiO2 microspheres was received, and the volume ratio of 10: 1 of trimethylsilyl chloride and n-hexane, the highest degree of graft modification was get.
Key Words:SiO2 aerogels nanospheres,Stöber Method,graft modification ,hydrophobic modification
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 - 1 -
1.1背景和意义 - 1 -
1.2 SiO2气凝胶的特征及发展 - 1 -
1.2.1 SiO2气凝胶微的基本特征 - 1 -
1.2.2 SiO2气凝胶的发展史 - 3 -
1.3气凝胶的热学特性及绝热领域的应用 - 4 -
1.4 SiO2气凝胶的制备工艺研究现状 - 6 -
1.4.1溶胶-凝胶工艺过程 - 6 -
1.4.2 凝胶的老化 - 7 -
1.4. 3溶剂交换 - 8 -
1.4.4 疏水二氧化硅气凝胶与表面改性 - 8 -
1.4.5凝胶的干燥 - 9 -
1.5课题研究目的和意义 - 10 -
1.6 本文主要研究内容 - 10 -
1.6.1 SiO2气凝胶微粒微球的制备与改性的研究 - 10 -
1.6.2 常压干燥制备SiO2 气凝胶微球的表征 - 10 -
第二章 实验试剂、仪器与方法 - 11 -
2.1 实验材料与主要仪器设备 - 11 -
2.1.1 实验原料及试剂 - 11 -
2.1.2 主要实验设备仪器 - 12 -
2.2 实验工艺路线 - 12 -
2.2.1 SiO2微球的制备 - 12 -
2.2.2 SiO2微球改性实验 - 13 -
2.3 性能表征 - 16 -
2.3.1 所制备微球的性能表征 - 16 -
2.3.2 改性后微球的性能表征 - 16 -
第三章 实验结果和分析 - 17 -
3.1 SiO2气凝胶微球制备 - 17 -
3.1.1 Stöber法制备SiO2气凝胶微球的SEM图像结果和分析 - 17 -
3.1.2 SiO2微球导热系数结果和分析 - 20 -
3.2 SiO2气凝胶微球接枝改性实验结果和分析 - 20 -
3.2.1 SEM测试结果分析 - 20 -
3.2.2 激光粒度分析实验结果和分析 - 21 -
3.2.3 EDS实验测试结果和分析 - 25 -
3.2.4 分散性实验 - 27 -
3.3憎水改性实验结果和分析 - 28 -
3.3.1憎水改性微球的SEM图像 - 28 -
3.3.2憎水改性微球的EDS分析 - 28 -
第四章 总结 - 30 -
参考文献 - 31 -
致 谢 - 33 -
第一章 绪论
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