2021-02-26 11:22:31
摘 要
本文主要研究通过快速凝固工艺制备 AuSn20 钎料薄带,然后对薄带进行韧化退火处理,得出最佳韧化退火工艺参数,并考察韧化退火工艺对薄带组织性能的影响。得出主要结论:220℃退火时,随着退火时间的增加,薄带韧性不断增加。240℃和 260℃退火时,随着温度的增加,韧性先增大后减小,当退火温度为260℃退火2小时后,薄带韧性达到最大值。
The alloy solder has high thermal conductivity, high strength, no flux, etc., which is widely concerned in high reliability circuit packaging, chip welding and so on. AuSn20 Eutectic solder melting point is 278 ℃, melting point is the only alternative to within 280-360 ℃ high melting point of lead alloy (PbSn5) the best solder。Due to the fact that 80% of AuSn alloy is very brittle, years of practice have shown that it is not possible to make the type of foil with the required specification.At present, the common methods of preparing the solder thin strips are laminated and complex, electroplating deposition, casting rolling, mechanical alloy and rapid solidification。
This experiment is Au - Sn eutectic solder through rapid solidification strip, eliminate gross primary phase, refined microstructure,then through the annealed annealing and good processability and hot rolling obtained the final size of the thin belt welding performance. Research single roller rapid solidification technology to improve the Au - Sn eutectic alloy solder strip microstructure, forming and welding performance of performance, to promote the development of electronic packaging industry, rich difficult forming material preparation processing theory and the method is of great significance and economic value.
Manufactured by rapid solidification in this paper, we study AuSn20 solder thin belt, and then to annealed strip annealing treatment, it is concluded that the best toughening annealing process parameters, and annealed annealing process on the properties of thin belt organization.The main conclusions are as follows: 220 ℃ annealing, with the annealing time increases, the toughness of the strip increases. 240 ℃ and 260 ℃ annealing, with the increase of temperature, the toughness first increased and then decreased, when the annealing temperature of 260 ℃ annealing 2 hours, the strip toughness to reach the maximum.
Key word:Rapid solidification, AuSn20 eutectic alloy, toughening annealing
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 4
1.1薄带制备常用方法 4
1.1.1 叠层复合法 4
1.1.2机械化合金法 4
1.1.3熔铸增韧工艺 5
1.2熔体处理工艺工艺 5
1.3快速凝固法 6
1.3.1 快速凝固技术简介 6
1.3.2 快速凝固实现方法 7
1.4 快速凝固钎料 9
1.5 AuSn20 钎料基本性能 10
1.6实验目的及意义 11
第2章 实验内容 12
2.1铸造轧制工艺 12
2.2快速凝固工艺 12
第3章 AuSn20 钎料退火实验 13
3.1快速凝固 AuSn20 合金薄带韧化退火处理 13
3.1.1韧化退化工艺对钎料薄带显微组织和成分的影响 14
3.1.2 AuSn20 共晶钎料薄带 240℃ 退火 16
3.1.3 AuSn20 共晶钎料薄带 260℃ 退火 18
3.1.4韧化退化工艺对钎料薄带物相的影响 19
3.2韧化退化工艺对快速凝固 AuSn20 共晶钎料薄带韧性的影响 20
3.3韧化退化工艺对快速凝固AuSn20薄带熔化凝固的影响 21
3.3.1退火 AuSn20 钎料薄带熔化特性测试 22
3.3.2 退火 AuSn20 钎料薄带 DSC 凝固测试 23
第4章 结论 26
参考文献 27
致谢 29
第1章 绪论
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